Twenty-One | 二十一

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Twenty One

Kimi felt her back pressed against the wall. She was cornered, again. It's been a while since she's been in this situation, ganged up on, cornered to a wall. She grew used to it back in her first year and she still is, although it only took place almost a year later.

If she was herself a year back, she would be looking up to her bullies with a smug expression, trying to get them to hurry because she was to lazy to let it drag out. However, she kept her gaze down low, avoiding eye contact.

The last time I was ganged up by a bunch of boys, huh? She wondered as her harassers continued talking, though she completely tuned them out. The last time... [Name]'s smiles flashed in her mind and she frowned, hating herself again.

"Oi, Kimi!" Her harasser shook her, forcing her to look into his eyes. He slammed his hand to the wall right next to her face. "Are you even listening to me?!" She continued to stare at him as he frowned. "Shouldn't a maid obey her master's command?" He grinned, waving a flyer in her face.

It isn't even a maid café; just some simple quiet coffee shop, dumbass. Kimi mentally cursed but remained quiet, keeping in mind not to do or say anything to piss him off. "Go on, Maid-chan! Go on and give me a good 'welcome home, master' kiss."

"Sumimasen." Someone interrupted them. Kimi gasped, her eyes opening wide when she saw [Name] standing before them with another girl by her side. Her harasser raised his brow at them, shifting away from the ravenette.

"Huh? What do you want?" He asked [Name], trying to scare her. [Name] kept her composure, gathering her courage. "Can't you see we're a little busy here?"

"Please leave her alone." [Name] said boldly, looking directly into his eyes. Kimi was dumbfounded. What is [Name] doing here? Does she know what she's doing?

Does she remember who I am?

"You know, this really ain't your business." The large built male glared at her.

The girl by [Name]'s side put a defensive arm before her. She looked up to him with the kindest smile on her face. "That's right," She nodded. "But I'm sure you know third year Iwaizumi Hajime. If you don't leave now, it'll be his business as well."

"And trust me," She added, tilting her head in a slight angle, the smile on her face staying permanent. "He will prioritize this business without a doubt." That seemed to have shaken up the harasser.

He clicked his tongue and swore, throwing the flyer down. He turned away from [Name] and the other girl, his face paled a little. Before walking away, he glared at Kimi. "You're lucky this time, bitch."

The three girls remained on alert until he was away. Kimi sighed, feeling relieved that she didn't mess anything up.

"I'm glad playing the Hajime card worked..." The girl by [Name]'s side breathed. Taking a closer look, it seemed as though she was a third year. She wondered how [Name] had befriended her.

"Thank you, Umi-san." [Name] thanked, nodding at the third year.

"I had to protect you, [Name]-chan." Umi smiled in return.

[Name] picked up the flyer on the floor, smoothing out the crumples and wrinkles on it. As she walked up to Kimi, the second year felt her heart pound. She was feeling all kinds of emotions. Fear, excitement, anxiety, anticipation. She thought about Sakura and their last conversation.

"If you really are sorry and want to repent for what you've done, just stay away from our lives, especially [Name]'s."

Sakura... Kimi's thoughts wandered again. Come to think of it... This is really similar to how Sakura and I met...

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