Twenty | 二十

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Sakura changed into her school uniform after a quick shower to wash off all the dirt and sweat from the game. As good as the opposing them was, Aoba Jousei still won by a 3 run gap. Still, Sakura was glad that they didn't lose, especially with [Name] watching over the game in the crowd.

She met up with the trio at the entrance once again, raising her brow at their weird behaviors. Iwaizumi kept his hands in his pockets, looking at a distance. [Name], who kept a good 3 feet away from him, pulled her hands together before her, staring at her shoes. Oikawa had a rather faint smile, as though he was worn out.

"Did something happen?" She asked, eyeing them carefully.

"N-No, nothing!" [Name] shook her head. Her answer was too quick and frantic that it made herself seem more suspicious. "G-Great game out there, Sakura-san." She desperately attempted to change the topic.

"Yeah, you were amazing." Oikawa agreed, nodding. She noticed that the captain's enthusiasm was significantly lower than the usual. "I knew you would win."

"Thank you," She tilted her head in a light nod and turned to Iwaizumi, expecting him to say something. However, the male didn't seem to shift his gaze anywhere near them, looking at a distance with a stiff face. "Iwaizumi-senpai, are you alright?"

Iwaizumi was a little startled but nodded, scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah," He mumbled. "It was just a little stuffy back in there."

"I see," She decided not to push it. "Sorry to trouble you but could you take [Name] home for me?" She asked. The 2 third years widened their eyes at her request. "I have to return to school with the team for a debrief about today's scrimmage."

Oikawa exchanged looks with Iwaizumi, who didn't seem too sure about the idea. Despite his friend's look, Oikawa smile reassuringly at Sakura, spreading his hands out a little. "Sure, we'll walk her home." He turned to [Name] who returned his smile.

"Thank you," Sakura said. She placed her hands on [Name]'s shoulders, looking into her eyes. "Stay safe, okay?"

"I will, Sakura-san." The younger girl nodded. "Good work today, I glad I was able to see you play."

Sakura chuckled, sliding her hands of her shoulder. She exchanged a final nod with Oikawa and Iwaizumi before joining her team in the bus, heading back to the school. Oikawa and [Name] waved at the bus as it entered the main roads and disappeared from their sight.

Iwaizumi cleared his throat, catching the attention of Oikawa and [Name]. When his eyes came in contact with the girl's, he couldn't help but to glance away again, his skin flushing. He grazed his forefinger against the tip of his nose gently, tilting his head down a little. He slowly peeked at [Name], trying his best not to think about their awkward encounter. "S-Sorry about that, just now..."

"N-No! It's fine!" [Name] threw her hands up frantically, not wanting to remember it too. "T-Thank you for protecting me from the ball, Iwaizumi-san!"

"Oi, Kusokawa!" Iwaizumi cleared his throat nervously once more. "You should walk [Name] home by yourself today..."

"My, my, Iwa-chan." Oikawa chuckled. Iwaizumi's gaze lingered at his friend, growling. "You're still so bashful around girls. You'll never get a girlfriend at this rate."

"I'll hang you out in the field in your underwear," Iwaizumi threatened and the captain flinched, clutching onto his pants.

"Still so mean even though you're embarrassed..." Oikawa sweat dropped.

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