Four | 四

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Oikawa couldn't help but to feel a little discouraged after their meeting with Sakura. The air around him was a little gloomier than it usually would be. He shoved his hands into his pockets and pouted, like a displeased child not getting the balloon he wanted.

"She's right, you know?" Iwaizumi finally broke the silence between them as they made their way back to their class. The upset captain shifted his gaze to him, silently telling him to continue and explain what he meant. "It has nothing to do with you, it's their problem and we don't even know them enough to have the rights to help."

"I can't just stay put after knowing what's actually going on." Oikawa argued.

"Just what exactly can you do to help in this situation? Tell me." Iwaizumi countered rationally. "It's better to just leave them to solve this themselves. We. Are. Not. Involved. And let's stay that way."

"But it's so sad." Oikawa said, stopping in his tracks. His voice became low and broken, almost as if he was in pain. "It's just too sad that she has to go through this and I want to do anything and everything I can to make her feel happy."

Iwaizumi sighed. He understood Oikawa's intentions clearly and knew that if there was any way to help, he would get down to it too. But Sakura's words and his rationality were also tugging onto him, telling him that the best way to help is to not be in their way.

"Tooru-ch – Mmph!!"

A voice echoed throughout the hallway. The two volleyball players looked up. They didn't see anyone in particular in the hallway but noticed a figure behind the wall of a corner. They exchanged glances before walking towards the wall.

"Shh!! You don't want Sakura to find out about this do you?" An unfamiliar voice sounded behind the walls, raising the boys' brows. "She wouldn't just kill you, she might even shove her beloved baseball bat right up my..."

Iwaizumi and Oikawa exchanged another nod before confront the mysterious person behind the wall. They were a little surprise to find [Name] and another girl with long charcoal black hair, crouched down behind the wall. The other girl had her arms wrapped around [Name], a hand covering the [Hair Color]'s mouth, trying to keep her silent.

The girls looked up and froze when they saw Oikawa and Iwaizumi looking right at them. [Name]'s eyes clearly glistered in happiness when she saw Oikawa and struggled in her friend's arms, trying to pry herself off. She eventually managed to pull her friend's hand away from her mouth.

"Tooru-chan! Hajime-kun!" [Name] exclaimed, pushing herself to stand up to face her claimed lover at eye level. She looked up to him excitedly, pursing her lips together to contain her excitement.

"Hey... [Name]-chan..." Oikawa said, his voice a little flat out. He was a little hesitant as to what he should do. He glanced over to Iwaizumi, whose face pulled into a frown, obviously not liking the situation they were in.

"Shit..." The other girl muttered under her breath and buried her face in her hands. She muttered a few other incoherent phrases and stood on her feet. "Hey, Oikawa-senpai, Iwaizumi-senpai." She gritted her teeth into a lazy smile.

"Ah, hello... And you are?..." Oikawa and Iwaizumi raised a brow at the girl, curious as to who she was.

"Oh right! I haven't introduced her to you guys before!" [Name] perked up, turning to her friend and pulling her arm so that she was standing right next to her. "This is Kokonose Kimi, or just Kimi-chan for short!"

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