02 Bo

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One month before

I woke up to a nudge on my shoulder. "Bo" a little voice said "I had a scary dream". I lift up my covers and move over to let my little sister get into my bed. "Thanks Bo love you" she says and puts her teddy between us. I watched her fall asleep as I couldn't get back to sleep. I looked at the watch on my wrist. It was about 3 o'clock in the morning, normal time when Annalina gets these nightmares and I don't blame her. Last 8 years have been very hard since everything went down. We finally found a place that might be okay to live in. They gave us a house and supplies. They have a school and everything. I finally fell back to sleep to hear my mom yelling for me to get up because we were running late for church. I'm not a big fan of religion but I go for my family. Annalina is already down stairs. Her teddy left in the bed next to me. I got up and used the restroom and got dressed. Mom yells again "Bo, we need to go." She says I rush downstairs and I grab an apple from the kitchen and everyone is waiting for me in the living room.

"There he is, the beauty queen finally wakes" says my older brother.

"Shut up, Tyler!" I said.

"Did you put on your makeup to look cute? Is that why you took so long?" said Tyler.

"I……." I was about to say something when my mom cuts me off.

"That's enough, you too, Leave him alone Tyler," Mom says. Giving me a hug. "Your sister and father are already there. After church today we are meeting up with the Moore's family. They are in need of some help before the winter and I volunteered you and your brother" she says.

"Wait what?" said Tyler "Come on mom I don't want to work with Bo and his lover!"

"He is not my lover! He is my best friend Tyler!"

"Yeah…. Yeah" he says

"Again enough both of you" said mom

"But mom, he started it." I said

"So mature Bo!" Tyler said

"Okay here's the deal, when you get home from the Moores both of you straight to your rooms until dinner. I don't need two grown teenagers acting like kids when I have enough shenanigans with annalina! Now let's go" as she walks out the door fuming.

"Now look what you done" with a smile I tap Tyler on the arm he grins at me and we both leave the house.

We are all walking down to the church, everyone is giving us weird looks as me and my brother joke around with each other. I know why they stare at us the way they do, one of the main people lived in our house since finding this place and they went missing no matter then a couple months ago. Mr Moore grasps a hand shake with me and Tyler and Kara yell out for Tyler to sit next to her. The Moore family has two kids, my best friend Max and a daughter named Kara. She is about Tyler's age. We all sit in the pues and the Reverend comes out.

A couple hours pass by and the ceremony is over. My parents tell me and Tyler to go with Mr Moore to do what he needs help on and not complain and that they will see us later.

We get to the Moore's house. They have a huge farm. Mr Moore told Max to take me to the barn and have me help move the hay stacks to feed the cattle. Ty was to help with other things around the farm and probably flirt with Kara.

We start to walk over to the barn. We both were quiet. He was looking at me.

"What are you looking at weirdo" I say in a playful tone

"Not looking at your dumb face" he says back

Max has been my best friend since we came to the camp, he was always nice to me and we always had the same things in common.

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