12 Bo

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I jolt awake, heart pounding, sweat chilling my skin. The room lies cloaked in darkness. I fumble for the lamp, its sudden glare making my eyes sting. Slowly, my breathing eases. I shuffle to the bathroom, splash cold water on my face, and head downstairs.
The murmur of voices draws me in. Joanna, Annalina, and Iris are curled up on the couch. "...wasn't sure he could explain. He'd just had..."
"Bo!" Annalina squeals. "Joanna's reading me a story! Wanna join?"
I sink beside them as Joanna's voice flows on, "'Don't you worry, Harry. You'll learn fast enough. Everyone starts at the beginning at Hogwarts.'"
Iris stirs from the loveseat. "Need some air," she murmurs, a hint of strain in her voice. "Be back soon."
I half-rise to follow, but Annalina tugs my sleeve. "Bo, you'll miss it!"
"It's okay, kiddo. I'm already a wizard!"
Annalina gasps, eyes wide. Joanna chuckles, then resumes reading, her tone warm and reassuring.
I step outside. "Iris?"
She doesn't turn, her gaze still fixed on the stars. "Ever wonder about those astronauts? Stuck up there, like...do they know everyone else is gone? Or maybe they finally found peace?" Her voice holds a strange mix of awe and sadness.
"Probably made their peace," I answered, my own voice a bit hesitant. "But yeah, it's gotta be tough...being completely alone."
We stand there in silence for a while, the stars shimmering above us. Then, she turns to me. "Thank you for saving me," she murmurs, her voice thick.
"Of course," I say, the words almost automatic.
She hugs me, and I catch a tremor in her touch. "I overheard you and Joanna," she whispers. "Just wanted you to know…I accept you. For who you are. Don't be afraid to talk to me, okay?"
Her words hang in the cool night air. After a long moment, she steps back. "So," she continues, a flicker of her usual spirit returning, "what's the plan?"
"Not sure yet. Can't leave while he's hurt. Maybe I could ask Joanna if we could stay until he's healed up."
Iris nods. "I don't think Joanna would mind the company."
"Just don't want to put her out," I admit.
She shakes her head just as we hear Annalina's laughter from inside. Suddenly, the worry about the Giant claws at me again. Will it double back? Find us here?
Annalina comes rushing out, "Bo! Bo! Show me a magic trick!" Joanna comes out after, handing me a coin. I take the coin and show Annalina a simple magic trick. "That was sooo cool!" Annalina exclaims. "Do it again!" I do as she asked, and she turns to Iris. "Can you do that too?"
Iris hesitates and looks at me. "Well, you see, I can do something way cooler!" she declares.
"Really?" Annalina asks, eyes wide.
"Yes! Look up at the sky and count to five. When I say 'Lux Stellarum Urens,' look up!"
"1," Annalina says. "2," says Joanna, a note of wonder in her voice. "3," says Annalina. "Come on, Bo, say it with us!" Annalina urges. "4," we all say. "5!" Annalina finishes.
"Lux Stellarum Urens!" Iris pronounces.
I look up, and a shower of shooting stars streaks across the sky. Annalina is so surprised she can't speak; she just stares. Once it's complete, she bursts out, "Can you do it again!"
"It looks like I used all my power to create this one for you," Iris says, smiling.
"Okay," Annalina says, still smiling. "Can we read more, Joanna? Pleaseeee!"
Joanna looks at me, a twinkle in her eye. "I think it's time for your bedtime," I tell her
"Awe why!" Annalina said
"Because it late and little girls need there beauty sleep." I tell her
"I need to go to sleep myself" a big yawn came from Joanna "But perhaps tomorrow I can continue to read you the rest of book 1 of Harry Potter." said joanna
"Okay" Annalina frowned.
"Alrighty lets get you in bed" said Iris
"Night Bo" Annalina gave me and Joanna a hug and Iris and her went inside.
I stayed silenced for a couple minutes, the howls and growls of the Vrys echoing in my ears. "What's on your mind, honey?" Joanna asked.
"Do you think…" I paused, then shook my head. "Nevermind."
"Come on now, Bo. We're friends â€" talk to me!" Her smile was warm, her voice gentle as a mother's.
"I don't want us to be a burden on you," I admitted. "But Liam cannot leave like this. He'll die if he leaves now. He'll want to go as soon as he feels better, but if he knows you don't mind us staying a while, he'll focus on healing."
She looked at the sky, her expression thoughtful. "Bo, I'm not going to make you guys leave. It's too dangerous out there. But I do ask, if you stay here, please help out with things around the house and outside."
"Of course! I wouldn't expect us to just sit around," I said quickly.
"Bo!" Iris appeared in the doorway, her face bright. "Liam's up!"
A surge of excitement washed over me. I gave Joanna a quick, grateful hug â€" she seemed surprised â€" then hurried inside with Iris. We both raced upstairs to tell Liam the good news.

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