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Six months later,
A rustling sound and the creak of the bed woke me from a light doze. "I'll be back," Liam murmured, his voice still raspy from sleep.
I heard the shower running and smiled, feeling a warmth spread through me. I yawned, stretched, and pulled on a pair of sweatpants. A knock at the door startled me, and I left the room to answer it.
Iris, Terra and Liz stood on the other side, their faces lighting up when they saw me. With excited shrieks, they pulled me into a tight hug. "Where's Liam?" Iris asked, her voice muffled against my shoulder.
"He's in the shower," I replied, my voice thick with sleep.
"Look what we found!" Terra exclaimed, holding up two suits. "The gray one will fit you, Bo"
"and the black one should fit Liam." Liz said
I grinned, a wave of gratitude washing over me. "Okay," I said, my voice full of appreciation.
The shower stopped abruptly, and I heard Liam's footsteps approaching the door. "I'm sorry, guys, but can you wait outside?" I called out, a playful smirk on my face as I met Iris's questioning gaze.
"What? When he uses the shower, he doesn't bring in a change of clothes," I explained, earning a chuckle from both girls.
"Now hurry!" I urged, ushering them out and closing the door. Iris's muffled voice drifted through the wood, "How rude!" followed by giggles from all three.
Liam emerged from the bathroom, a towel slung low on his hips, his hair still damp. He looked a bit disoriented. "Iris and Terra are here," I informed him.
His face paled, and he darted back into our room. "Liam, they're outside!" I yelled after him.
"Doesn't matter!" he shouted back, his voice muffled by the closed door. He reappeared moments later, hastily dressed in a shirt and sweats.
I let the girls back in, and they squealed with delight, engulfing Liam in another group hug.
"Here's the plan," Terra announced, taking charge. "Bo, get your shoes on. You're coming over to my place to get dressed."
She then turned to Liam. "You'll stay with Iris and Liz. We'll meet you at the ceremony in an hour, okay?" Terra glanced at me, then at Liam, a knowing smile on her face.
I gave Liam a quick kiss, and Terra practically dragged me out of the house, my suit clutched in her hand.
Twenty minutes later, we walked up to Terra's house. She unlocked the door, revealing a cozy scene: Tyler on the couch, engrossed in a book with Annalina, while Joey and Joy were huddled together, also reading. They jumped up as we entered, Annalina rushing over to give me a hug. Tyler extended his hand for a firm shake. "Excited about today, little brother?" he asked, a warm smile spreading across his face. "You'll do great."
Terra shot a playful glare at Tyler. "I swear I told you guys to be ready by the time Bo got here," she scolded.
Tyler shrugged sheepishly. "Sorry, we kind of got into the book," he admitted, glancing at Annalina and Joey, who were now running around the room, giggling and casting made-up spells.
I chuckled at their antics, and Terra steered me towards the guest room. "Get a shower and get dressed," she instructed.
"Okay," I replied, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation for the day ahead.

Emerging from the bedroom, I called out, "Liz, Iris!" They both rose from the couch, and I held up a tie. "How do I tie this?"
Liz smiled gently. "Come with me, little brother."
She led me back to my room, positioning me in front of the mirror. Her fingers expertly looped and tucked the tie, her touch light on my neck. She turned me around, cupping my face. "You are so handsome," she whispered, a tear tracing her cheek. "I've wanted to give you this for some time now."
She placed a small bag in my hand. Inside, nestled against soft velvet, was my mother's voice recorder. "I thought I left this in Georgia," I murmured, a wave of memories washing over me.
"I snuck it out of your bag," Liz confessed. "I knew how much it meant to you. I put in new batteries—you can play it if you want."
I sank onto the bed, Liz's fingers gently combing through my hair. With a trembling hand, I pressed play. My mother's voice, warm and familiar, filled the room. "I love you, baby. It's time to go to sleep." My own childhood voice piped up, "Please sing, Mommy!"
A soft melody began—the lullaby my mother always sang. Goodnight, my angel, time to close your eyes... Liz hummed along, her voice blending with our mother's as she continued to brush my hair. Tears welled up in my eyes, each note a bittersweet reminder of a love that transcended time.
The song faded, and Liz gently wiped my tears. "Ready?" she asked, her voice a comforting balm.
I nodded, my heart heavy yet hopeful. She took my hand, and we left the room. Iris met us at the door, her eyes filled with warmth. "You deserve this, Liam," she said, her voice thick with emotion. She opened the door, and together, we stepped out into the unknown, leaving the house and its echoes of the past behind us.

I walked down the aisle towards the beautiful handmade arch adorned with white roses, eagerly awaiting Liam's arrival. As the minutes ticked by, the wedding party gathered around Tyler—myself and Terra first, then Henry and Dan on Liam's side. Iris and Liz hurried in, earning a playful "I told you to be early" look from Terra. I couldn't help but smile.
Finally, Liam entered, and a ripple of applause filled the air. He beamed, his smile lighting up the scene. He looked incredibly handsome in his suit. Iris stood in the middle of the platform, the ocean waves providing a breathtaking backdrop. Our eyes met, and he blushed, just as he always did.
I took a deep breath and Iris began. "I've known these two for a year and a half now, and most of you are familiar with their story. They've been through so much in the past few months, and I couldn't be happier to witness the love they bring to everyone they encounter. Some loved ones couldn't be here with us today, like Joanna. She showed us all compassion and helped us get where we needed to be. The advice she gave to both of you was to love each other to the end, and never let go of that love." She paused, wiping a tear from her eyes. "Sorry," she said softly.
With a composed voice, she continued, "As we gather here today to witness this wedding of Bo and Liam, they take an oath to one another, to always be there even when times get rough, to always support each other. By taking this ring, Liam, do you swear to always protect Bo?"
"I do," he declared, his gaze locked on mine, his smile unwavering.
"And Bo, by taking this ring, do you swear to always protect Liam?"
"I do," I replied, my voice filled with love and conviction.
"By the new settlement of the United States," Iris proclaimed, "I hereby announce the marriage of Mr. and Mr. Zaharrow! You may kiss the groom!"
Our lips met in a kiss that echoed our very first embrace. The warmth of his touch coursed through me, solidifying the bond between us. In that moment, I knew with absolute certainty that we were one, and I would protect him with every fiber of my being.
We parted as the crowd erupted in applause, our eyes still locked on each other. We shared a final glance at the horizon, the vast expanse mirroring the boundless love we felt. "Every day was a shattered horizon," Liam whispered, his voice thick with emotion. "But today isn't one."
He kissed me again, a gentle, lingering kiss filled with promises of a future together. Hand in hand, we turned and walked away from the platform, our hearts full of joy and anticipation for the journey ahead.
Later the night we walk home, hand laced together, as we kiss and touch we get to our house, we open the door, clothes coming off like this is the first time we ever got intimate before, i toss him on the bed, and he grunts as i get on top of him, he reaches for the lights and the room goes dark,
The soft afterglow of intimacy shattered as the insistent pounding echoed through the house. Liam, pulling on his sweatpants, moved with a tense urgency to the door. The silence that followed his opening it was thick with dread, broken only by the rustle of paper as he retrieved the letter.
"We have someone you love!" The words, stark and chilling, hung in the air as Raja's name blazed beneath them. My breath caught in my chest, and I met Liam's gaze, fear mirroring in his eyes.
The letter fluttered to the ground, revealing the picture on its reverse. Red hair, blue eyes, a face streaked with tears—a snapshot of anguish. It was a cruel reminder of the vulnerability of those we cherished, a threat whispered in the dead of night.

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