35 Liam

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My father walked beside me, his presence a silent comfort as we approached the imposing gates of the capital. Reaching the entrance, he pulled me into a tight embrace. "Be careful, son," he murmured before releasing me.
I took a deep breath and opened the gates alone, my heart pounding.
"Well, well, well," a chilling voice purred. Raja emerged from the shadows, a triumphant sneer on his face. "Look who we have here."
My family's eyes widened as they spotted me. Bo tried to rise, but a sharp crack echoed through the air, and he crumpled back to the ground. Iris rushed to his side, her face etched with fear. I saw her mouth the word "No" as tears streamed down her face.
Bo's gaze met mine, his eyes pleading. I understood his unspoken message: don't sacrifice yourself for him. But I couldn't stand by and watch him suffer. I stepped forward, ignoring the pain in my ankle.
"Your savior has come," Raja taunted, landing a brutal punch to my stomach. I doubled over, gasping for air as pain radiated through my body. I heard Liz's muffled cry, a plea for mercy.
"Let them go, like you promised!" I choked out, struggling to stand.
Raja's eyes gleamed. "They can go... if they can make it out. I'll give them thirty seconds to leave. But if any of them touch you or fight back, I'll kill you."
I locked eyes with Iris, a silent message passing between us. "Let them go," I mouthed, my voice failing me.
They didn't hesitate. Everyone scrambled to their feet, Iris and Tyler dragging a limp Bo towards the gate. Liz stumbled,but Rose rushed back to help her, forcing her out. Iris came back and helped Rose get her to safety. Liz pleading yells.
"No! No! He's just a child! You can't do this to him! Take me instead!" Liz pleaded.
Raja simply laughed. "Time's up!" He gestured to a guard, who raised his weapon. A single gunshot rang out, the limping guard falling to the ground.
The gates slammed shut, separating me from my family.
"What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.
Raja's gaze lingered on me, his words dripping with malice. "You gave my people hope," he sneered. "Hope that even the difference... can survive." He drew his knife, a predatory glint in his eyes. "I want a one-on-one. Whoever is killed first wins."
"Okay," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. The giant loomed in the distance, but my immediate concern was the knife-wielding madman before me.
"Now that they're gone," Raja continued, "nothing lies in front of me to kill you." His words sent a shiver down my spine.
"You're a fool for coming here. You know that," I spat, trying to maintain some semblance of defiance.
He lunged, striking me across the face with a backhanded blow. I stumbled backward, tasting blood. "I'm glad you're happy beating up a sixteen-year-old, huh?" I retorted, wiping my mouth.
He charged again, but I managed to dodge his attack. A guttural growl escaped his lips, a sound that sent chills down my spine.
Then he pulled out a machete. "Now that is not fair. Weapons!" I protested, but he cut me off with a vicious swing.
"I conquered multiple settlements," he snarled. "One family I killed first was a father who protected his wife and his kids. Then I took the mother, her begging on her knees for me to let their son and daughter get away. They did. But I found them at the last moment and shot the little girl. I'll look for the boy when I'm done with you."
"Did they?" I gasped, dodging another blow. I was defenseless, with nothing but my agility to keep me alive. He didn't know it was Bo and his little sister that survived his wrath.
"So a teenager and a kid outwitted you," I taunted, dodging another swing of his machete. The crowd roared in the background, chanting "RAJA, RAJA" like a mantra. The sound fueled his fury, making him all the more dangerous.

Think Liam, think! Ugh, I need help!  I recalled the knife I had grabbed from Iris's apartment. Reaching into my pocket, I felt its comforting presence and smiled grimly.
"You can think all you want!" Raja sneered. "But in the end, I'll kill you."
Just then, I heard the thunderous footsteps of the giant, I look in the direction of the giant zombie , my head filled with thoughts and then suddenly everything blur, I was caught off guard as Raja hit me in the head, i feel to the ground, 

"GET UP!" Raja said. He put his foot on my side and flipped me over to revel the blue sky, I closed my eyes for a second, i felt like i was somewhere else, I whispered "Please help". 

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