30 Liam

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Chapter thirty


I fell asleep instantly as the pain fades away and I know we're safe. I'm with Bo and my family. Iris sits next to Noah and Joey is cuddled up with lighting. The truck hits a couple bumps but still a pleasure to stop running and be scared every single step.

I woke to sunlight streaming through the truck's windows. Bo was asleep beside me. Across from us, the older woman and man were dozing as well.

"Hi," I mumbled, giving them a slight wave.

"Hello sweetie, have a nice sleep?" The older lady said.

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

She smiled. "So polite. Can I ask you something?"

"Is he your boyfriend?" she asked.

I nodded, a warmth spreading in my chest. "He's my fiancé," I said. She glanced at Bo. "Well, he's quite a catch. I've been with my Johnny here for 45 years. Never loved anyone else. Keep him close," she advised, "Even in the darkest of times."

Her words resonated with me. She squeezed her husband's hand, and I looked away, seeing Iris and Noah asleep, their hands intertwined.

My fingers instinctively went to my neck, searching for the pendant... and found nothing. A jolt of panic shot through me,my anxiety flaring. Then my gaze landed on Bo, and a wave of calm washed over me. My old family, the one I knew,might be gone, but I had a new one right here. Bo was my rock, Iris my sister. Joey and Noah... well, I wasn't sure what to call them yet, but they were family too. And there was Joanna, who took us in, helped us, understood us... became our family.

A sharp bump in the road threw me forward. The truck came to an abrupt halt. Thud... thud... thud. Slowly, I stood and opened the door. Towering in front of us, oblivious to our sudden stop, was the giant. The truck lurched forward, throwing us all back into our seats. We watched, silent, as the giant fell behind.

Iris peered out the window. It was still close, but not close enough. "I think we're going to outpace it," she breathed.

We all sat back, a wave of relief washing over us, though the older couple kept their eyes tightly shut. Suddenly, the window to the driver's cabin slid open. Dan's voice boomed back, "Sit down and hold on tight!"

The thuds intensified, punctuated by a bone-chilling growl that echoed through the back window. A monstrous hand,silhouetted against the sun, slammed onto the street, mere feet from the truck. It sent a shockwave through the vehicle,and Joey erupted into a terrified scream. His panicked cries competed with the deafening roar of the giant's voice.

He clung to my hand with a desperate grip, refusing to sit down despite my frantic pleas. The older woman intervened,her voice cutting through the chaos. "Honey, come here," she said gently, scooping Joey into her arms. His sobs quieted into sniffles as she cradled him. Noah shot her a silent, grateful glance.

The truck lurched violently, the engine screaming in protest as Dan pushed it to its limits. "Almost there!" he yelled through the open window, his voice barely audible over the din.

Then, a deafening bang. The truck shuddered violently, throwing everyone off their feet. A collective scream ripped through the air. I squeezed Bo's hand with a white-knuckled grip, bracing for another blow. The world spun, and my head slammed into something hard. Darkness engulfed me.

Something wet licked my face. Lightning whimpered. "Okay, boy, I'm up." I patted his head, and he bolted out the back of the truck. My heart pounded as I searched desperately for Bo. "Bo!" I yelled, but smoke choked my voice and obscured my vision.

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