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Chapter Twenty Seven


We packed up, a lingering tension hanging in the air after Noah's episode. As we left the diner, I squeezed Liam's hand, unwilling to let go. My eyes scanned the dense blackness of the woods, a shiver running down my spine. The memory of the Dermantred, the way it sapped our strength, was a chilling reminder; another encounter like that could be fatal. I couldn't shake the dread of what other horrors might be lurking in the shadows.

Joey clung to Liam like a lifeline, while Noah trailed behind us. His presence set off a prickle of unease – we barely knew him.

"You okay?" Liam's voice was gentle, sensing the shift in my mood.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied, forcing a smile.

Iris stopped, a sigh escaping her lips as she consulted the map. "We'll have to detour around the lake." She gestured towards a wide expanse of frozen water. Liam and Joey joined her, poring over the map.

My gaze drifted back to the frozen lake. Amidst the starkness, something shimmered in the distance – a point of light, soft and warm. "Do you see that?" I murmured, but no one responded. The light pulsed, drawing me in like a beacon. It sang to me, a gentle hum reminiscent of my sister's voice when she'd soothe me during the worst times at home.

Taking a tentative step, I crunched onto the ice, its frozen surface solid beneath my feet. The call of the light intensified. It promised something, an escape, perhaps, from the constant fear and uncertainty.

The light pulsed, mesmerizing, beckoning me closer. I was closer now, much closer than I'd intended. A distant crack of thunder echoed through the air, but no one seemed to notice. Except Lightning. He let out a sharp whimper, then a frantic bark.

Liam's head snapped up. "Bo!" he roared, his voice a panicked echo across the ice. He started running towards me, Iris close behind.

"Bo! Stay there! We're coming!" His voice was faint, swallowed by the growing distance.

But a chilling realization washed over me. I couldn't hear him anymore. The urgency in his voice had vanished, replaced by an unnerving silence.

The light, once inviting, now felt sinister. Fear coiled in my gut, icy and sharp. This wasn't right.

Suddenly, Liam reappeared at the edge of the ice, his face etched with terror. He lunged for me, his arms wrapping around me in a crushing hug.

"What were you thinking?!" His voice was a desperate rasp.

Before I could answer, a horrifying shriek tore through the air. Iris. She had tripped, a monstrous hand erupting from the water, grasping her ankle and dragging her down. Liam shoved me aside without a moment's hesitation, scrambling towards her. He reached down, his hand outstretched.

Iris screamed again, a sound of raw terror. The creature surged, pulling her and Liam both beneath the ice. The once-solid surface groaned in protest, spiderwebs of cracks spreading outwards.

My heart hammered against my ribs, a frantic drumbeat against the backdrop of shattering ice. I scrambled back towards the shore, a primal scream lodged in my throat.

Noah. He was already on the ice, moving with a desperate urgency. He reached the broken edge, the frigid water swallowing him to his waist. He lunged forward, one hand disappearing into the dark water. A moment later, he reappeared, hauling Iris out onto the cracking ice.

Tears blurred my vision. All I could do was stare, a silent scream trapped in my throat.

Then, a miracle. With a final heave, Noah pulled himself and Iris back onto solid ground. He collapsed beside her, gasping for breath. He gets back up and dives back into the water

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