19 Bo

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We stayed in his bed, the world melting away in the warmth of our embrace. He kissed my forehead, a touch of wonder in his voice. "Is this real?"
"Yes," I whispered, pulling him close again. Something about the way he held me, the way his heart beat in time with mine â€" a rightness I'd never felt with Max. This was it. This was home.
A knock startled us. Liam shot up, a blush spreading across his face. Another knock, more insistent. "Coming!" he called, a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes.
Iris swept through the door, a knowing smile on her lips. Her eyes landed on me, and Liam's blush deepened. "Sorry to interrupt," she said, gentleness in her voice.
He cleared his throat. "Um... yeah. It's okay."
"We were..." he trailed off, looking at me.
"It's okay, Liam. I know," Iris said, the smile widening.
Relief washed over me. He turned, a genuine smile finally breaking through. "I knew for a long time. I'm so happy for you both!"
Liam's cheeks turned an even brighter shade of red as he shuffled aside for Iris. She plopped down at his desk, a few papers clutched in her hand. "Liam, check this out."
He leaned in, his brows furrowing in confusion. "What is it?"
She turned the top paper around. Liam squinted at the official-looking text: Now permanently settled in Atlanta, Georgia. Leader of settlement and rights of the original constitution, now in place as of 2026.
"So... they're not moving anymore?" Liam's voice was a bit shaky.
"Seems like they found their forever home," Iris said softly. She watched him carefully. "We gotta go. Our family's there."
Liam stiffened, his eyes darting from Iris to the paper and back again. Iris bit her lip. "Hey, Liam, I'm sorry," she murmured, reaching out to touch his shoulder.
"S'okay," he mumbled, but his voice wasn't very convincing.
Iris and I swapped a quick glance. Liam excused himself, heading for the bathroom. The sound of the shower started.
"I feel terrible," Iris whispered, her eyes downcast. "He probably thinks we're gonna ditch him."
"He's got plenty of reasons to feel that way," I replied. "But you know we'd never do that, right?"
"Of course," she said, though her tone wasn't entirely sure.
We sat in awkward silence until Liam emerged. His hair was damp, and he seemed startled to find Iris still there. "...Sorry," he muttered, reaching for his sweatpants.
Iris, however, was staring at him with wide eyes. I chucked a pillow at her. "Eyes up here, buttercup."
Liam, bless him, looked even more flustered. Iris snapped out of it, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "Whoa. " She winked dramatically.
His blush intensified. He snatched up his shirt and fumbled into it.
Iris chuckled, squeezing his shoulder. "Lucky you, Bo." With a wink at me, she slipped out of the room.
Liam collapsed beside me on the bed. Next to me, "You okay" I ask him
"Yeah, Bo, Im okay" he says
I kiss him on his lips and I feel a smile widen on his face. I lay back and he lays on my chest, and he drifts to sleep.
That night, I didn't leave his side. We curled up together, the familiar scent of him and the gentle rise and fall of his chest offering a sense of solace amidst the storm of emotions he was clearly battling.
I woke to an empty bed and the door closed shut. Damn, that boy could move like a shadow when he wanted to. I headed downstairs, pulling on my boots. The full moon bathed the world in an eerie blue glow, and to my dismay, the front door stood ajar. Liam's gear was gone, a hastily scribbled note left in its place:
Bo and Iris,
Went for a run. Need to clear my head. Don't worry, be back by morning. -Liam
A sigh escaped me. I wish he'd woken me up. A knot of worry twisted in my gut. Vrys wasn't the only threat out there. I knocked on Iris's door, my voice breaking the early morning silence. "What's wrong?" she mumbled, sleep still heavy in her tone.
"Can I come in?"
"Just a sec," came the reply, followed by rustling. "Okay, come on."
"Is Liam alright?" she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"He's fine," I said, trying to sound convincing even to myself. "Just went for a run. Didn't want to wait up for him alone, so I figured I'd keep you company."
She got up, stretching with a soft yawn. "Let's head downstairs then."
We settled on the couch, the quiet broken only by the ticking of the clock. Hours slipped by as we talked about everything and nothing, finally landing on the creatures we'd dubbed 'Vermalga.' Lightning whined at the door. "Guess someone needs his morning walk," Iris chuckled.
Lightning bounded back in, tail wagging, and gave my hand an affectionate lick. Iris opened the back door just as we heard the front gate creak open. "Speak of the devil," she said with a grin. "Guess your prince isn't so lost after all."
I laughed, relief washing over me.
Liam strode in, sheathing his knife and not noticing our intense focus. His sweat-soaked hair clung to his forehead,framing those startling blue eyes. He was shirtless, and a blush crept up my neck â€" damn, the man was a work of art. Iris nudged me with her elbow, a mischievous glint in her eye like last night when he came out of the shower,
He shut the door and turned. "What?" His brows furrowed, sensing the shift in the air . Then, he flashed us a smile, a genuine one this time. "I'll be right back. Need a shower again."
"Okay," we both replied.
"Again, Bo, he's fine! Damn!" she said,
Lightning scratched at Joanna's door, a whimper slipping through the crack. He wanted in, wanted her. I got up and hesitated before opening the door. He bounded in, jumping on the bed and licking Joanna's face. She didn't stir.
"Iris," the word barely escaped my lips. "What?" she asked, a flicker of worry in her voice.
I couldn't bring myself to speak. Instead, I walked over to the bed; Iris followed, a creeping dread in her eyes. I knelt beside Joanna, searching for a pulse, for any sign of life... and found nothing.
"Oh, Joanna," I whispered, tears blurring my vision. A glance at Iris revealed her kneeling on the floor, head bowed, her body shaking silently.
Iris didn't want to believe it. She moved closer, hands trembling as she reached out to Joanna, desperate for a heartbeat that wouldn't come. Then, she collapsed, sobs wracking her body. I pulled her into a tight embrace. "She loved us," I murmured, a bittersweet echo of comfort.
The news hit Liam hard. After showering, he hugged us both, his eyes filled with silent sorrow, then vanished outside.Curiosity turning to concern, I followed.
He was by the shed, shovel in hand. Wordlessly, he began to dig. I grabbed another and joined him. We worked in a rhythm of shared grief, the earth yielding to our silent purpose. When the hole was deep enough, we returned inside.
Iris had woven a delicate crown of wildflowers. Together, we carried Joanna's body to the freshly dug grave.
Liam dashed back into the house. He returned with a yellowed sheet of paper and a worn picture frame. He laid them gently beside the grave. It was a photo of her lost family, and beside it, a faded sketch â€" a simple drawing of the five of us, together.
The oppressive silence after the burial followed us inside. Iris retreated to her room, leaving Liam and me adrift in a sea of shared grief. I reached out, pulling him into a hug. The warmth of his body against mine offered a sliver of solace.
As I turned towards my own room, his hand clamped on mine, a silent plea. We walked together to his room, a sanctuary forged in unspoken understanding. The only sound was the ragged rhythm of his breath, a testament to the storm raging inside him.
He met my gaze, his eyes a well of unshed tears. Then, without a word, he sank onto the bed. I climbed in beside him,drawn by an invisible force. He curled closer, seeking comfort, not solace. He buried his head in my chest, his grip tight,the tremor running through his body mirroring the one in my heart.
No tears fell, but the silent ache spoke volumes. The bond we'd forged, barely a day old, had tightened under the weight of loss. There was a depth of connection I'd never known with Max, a raw vulnerability that felt both terrifying and utterly necessary. Here, in the quiet aftermath of grief, a new kind of intimacy bloomed.

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