33 Liam

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Five months had flown by, and our wedding date was set for the following month. The outpouring of support from the community was heartwarming. Leader Liz was back, her return celebrated with an almost manic fervor. Yet, a shadow lingered over my joy. She still wanted to speak with me – a private audience, for reasons unknown. The uncertainty gnawed at me.
I kissed Bo's forehead, the warmth of his skin comforting beneath my lips. "Come back to bed," he mumbled, sleep clinging to his voice.
"Just a quick run," I reassured him. "I'll be back soon."
His sleepy smile and gentle squeeze of my hand eased my tension. After slipping into my running gear and closing our bedroom door, I headed downstairs. The elevator whisked me to the ground floor, and I stepped out into the crisp morning air.
I passed Iris, Noah, and Joey's new apartment. Their move two months ago had brought a sense of relief and joy for Iris,finally reunited with her sister. It mirrored my own newfound happiness with Bo.
The rhythmic hum of generators and the occasional bark of a dog filled the air. As I rounded a corner, a prickling sensation crept up my spine. Someone was watching me. I shook it off, reminding myself of the settlement's tight security.Two guards patrolling the gate waved as I approached. I returned the gesture, then turned to head home.
My ankle protested as I picked up the pace, but I embraced the burn, the familiar joy of running coursing through me.Arriving back at our building, I froze. A figure stood outside, their back to me.
"Whoa there," the figure said, turning. "Can't stay long, and I don't have answers. Rose wanted me to give you this." He thrust an envelope into my hand, then vanished into the maze of buildings.
The letter simply said, "Liam." I struggled to decipher the scrawled message, my reading still halting. Not wanting to wake Bo, I rushed to Iris's apartment, hoping she'd be awake.
On the top floor, I knocked, but no answer. As I turned to leave, the door creaked open, revealing Joey. "Liam!" he cried,hugging me tightly.
"Where's Iris?" I asked, returning the embrace.
"I'll get her." He dashed off.
"Joey, wait! Is she..." I began, but a shout from Noah cut me off, followed by Iris's soothing voice.
Iris emerged. "Liam, what's wrong?" she asked, her eyes wide with concern. "Is Bo okay?"
"Yes, he's fine," I reassured her.
"Then what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Iris," I stammered, "there was a guy at my building..."
"Did he hurt you?" she interrupted, scanning me for injuries.
"No, he just gave me this." I held out the letter. "I didn't want to upset Bo. He's finally found some peace here."
Her brow furrowed. "We're here for you, you know that."
"Let's read it together," she said, taking the letter.
Her voice grew hushed as she deciphered Rose's desperate words.
Liam, We had a setback for the rebellion. I'm headed to Atlanta, Georgia, where you said you'd be. Raja is coming for you – he's obsessed with you being the only one who escaped. He's bringing an army, over three thousand strong. He knows where you are. Warn your leader. Show her this letter if you have to. Watch your backs. Be in touch soon, Rose
Iris reread the note, her face pale. "This is bad, Liam. We have to tell Dan."
"Noah!" she called. He appeared instantly. "Take Liam back to his building, get Bo, and meet me at Dan's. See if Terra can watch the kids."
He nodded, his expression grim.
Iris hugged me tightly. "This isn't your fault," she whispered.
I returned the embrace, fear gripping me. "Okay," I managed, my voice barely above a whisper.
We descended in the elevator, a heavy silence settling between us. By the time we reached my building, the sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon. Noah squeezed my shoulder. "Get Bo. I'll ask Terra and Tyler to meet you downstairs in fifteen minutes, okay?"
"Okay," I replied, my voice raspy. The elevator doors closed, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
On the eighth floor, I found Bo in the kitchen. "How was your run?" he asked, his back turned as he stirred something on the stove.
"Bo," I said quietly. He turned, sensing the shift in my tone. "What's wrong?"
I handed him the letter. His eyes scanned the words, his face paling. He wrapped me in a hug, murmuring against my hair,"This isn't your fault."
"Iris wants to meet at Dan's in an hour," I said, stepping back.
"Okay," he replied, his voice steadier now. "Go take a quick shower. I'll get dressed."
I rushed through a shower, the hot water doing little to soothe my frayed nerves. We met Noah and Terra on the ground floor, and Terra pulled Bo into a comforting hug. Together, we made our way through the awakening settlement, the normalcy of daily life a stark contrast to the turmoil inside.
At Iris's apartment, Terra unlocked the door, her voice a gentle warning, "Be safe."
We continued on, reaching Dan's apartment in record time. Iris was already waiting, her face grim. We climbed the stairs to the second floor and knocked. Dan opened the door, a forced smile on his face. "What's going on, guys?"
"Dan," I said, my voice unwavering, "we need to see Liz."
His smile faltered. "Why?"
Iris handed him the letter. He read it, his eyes meeting mine. After a tense moment, he simply said, "Okay."
It took thirty minutes to reach the Capital that housedLeader Liz's office. Dan held the door as we filed in,then turned to us. "Wait here. I'll be right back." He knocked on the inner door, and a man emerged, greeting Dan warmly.
"I need to see Liz. It's important," Dan said, his voice low and urgent.
The man nodded, granting him access. We waited, the tension in the room growing thicker with each passing minute.
Finally, Dan reappeared. "She'll see Liam alone."
Bo shot to his feet, a protective hand on my shoulder. "No," he insisted.
I touched his hand reassuringly. "It's okay, Bo. I'll be right back." He hesitated, then nodded, but his eyes remained fixed on Dan.
"If he doesn't return in twenty minutes—" Bo began, but Iris cut him off with a comforting hand on his arm.
I squeezed Bo's hand one last time before following Dan down the long hallway towards the only door. He opened it,revealing a woman sitting at a desk, her head bent over paperwork.
"Liz," Dan said softly.
"Yes, Dad?" she replied, not looking up.
"I have a visitor for you. It's important."
Her head lifted, her gaze sweeping over me with a curious intensity. As our eyes met, a jolt of recognition ran through me, as though I knew her face from a distant dream. She stood, her posture suddenly rigid. "What's your name?" she asked, her voice surprisingly gentle.
"Liam," I replied.
Her eyes flicked to Dan and then to the guy next to her, Dan looked like he was fighting back tears. "Liam, do you know who I am?" she asked, stepping out from behind her desk.
"The leader of the settlement," I responded, my voice barely a whisper.
A smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Oh, Liam..." She moved closer, searching my eyes. "You kept it."
"Kept what?" I asked, confused.
Her hand reached for my chest, gently grasping the pendant. My heart pounded as the pieces started to click into place.
Tears spilled down her cheeks as I whispered, "Liz?"
"Yes, little brother." Her arms enveloped me in a fierce hug, and I returned it, tears streaming down my own face. "We tried so hard to find you," she sobbed. "You've grown up so much."
She pulled back, her eyes searching mine. I looked at Dan, the truth dawning on me.
"Dad?" I choked out.
"Yes, Liam," he replied, his voice thick with emotion.
"But... Grandpa told me you were dead!"
Liz wiped away her tears. "Who did, Liam?" she asked gently.
"Grandpa," I repeated, my voice barely audible.
Dan's eyes filled with fresh tears. He pulled both Liz and me into a tight embrace. "I'm so sorry, Liam," he said, his voice thick with emotion. "I knew it the moment I saw you. I tried to hint, but... I didn't want to pressure you. I knew Liz – Liz – would know. It would be easier for her."
I clung to him, feeling a rush of emotions I hadn't allowed myself to feel in years. Confusion, anger, relief, and above all, a sense of belonging I thought I'd lost forever.
She brings me to her desk and has me sit down. "Henry, can you go and grab him water?" She asked.
"Henry" I say he looks at me and gives me a big smile "Hey buddy" he hurries out of the room,
I unclasped my necklace, placing it gently in Liz's outstretched hand. Her fingers traced the familiar lines of the locket, her eyes widening as she opened it. Inside, the tiny photo of our younger selves, flanked by Henry and Mom, brought fresh tears to her eyes.
"Can you tell me what happened?" she asked softly, her voice trembling. "After I fainted... after Dad was arrested."
"Grandpa took me to a cabin when the Vryses attacked the checkpoint," I explained, my voice thick with emotion.
Silence hung heavy in the room. "Liam," she said at last, "we looked for you at that cabin. You weren't there. Grandpa...he passed away here with us."
My head spun. The revelation hit me like a physical blow. "He told me he was Dad's father. I'd never met my grandparents on that side... I was terrified."
The man who claimed to be my grandfather... wasn't. My heart sank as the realization washed over me. He had kidnapped me. I trembled, the memories flooding back.
"Liam, you were just a child," Liz interjected, her voice gentle as she reached out to touch my arm. "You couldn't have known."
"Sorry? That's all you can say after eight years?" I snapped, the pain and anger surging through me. "You know he used to beat me."
Liz recoiled, her hands covering her face. My father stood frozen, his expression blank.
"He'd come home, pull off his belt, and hit me for no reason!" I cried, lifting my shirt to reveal the scars that marred my skin.
Liz shook her head, unable to look. My father remained silent, his eyes fixed on the floor.
"Once I escaped with Bo, I watched the man who raised me die," I continued, my voice thick with emotion. "I was happy, but hurt. Then I was attacked for being myself, for loving a guy."
I fell to my knees, overwhelmed by the weight of the past. "You left me alone," I choked out, the anger giving way to despair.
Liz and my father stood helpless, their guilt and sorrow etched on their faces. "Please, get Bo," I whispered.
My father rushed out and returned with Bo, who immediately enveloped me in a tight embrace. "Shhh, it's okay," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm.
Bo helped me to my feet, his face a mask of conflicting emotions as he processed everything. He tightened his grip on my hand, a silent promise of support.
Liz approached me, her eyes filled with remorse. "Liam, I cannot undo the past," she said, her voice trembling, "but we promise you, nothing like this will ever happen again." My father nodded solemnly in agreement.
I clutched the letter in my pocket, a chilling reminder of the danger that still lurked. "Liz," I said, my voice raw but determined, "there are other matters we need to discuss. Now."
Liz nodded, her expression hardening with resolve. I handed her the crumpled letter, my hand shaking slightly. As she read, her face paled.
"Dan— Dad," I corrected myself, my voice barely a whisper.
He met my gaze, a flicker of warmth passing between us before he turned back to Liz, his expression grim.
"Get me three scouts," Liz ordered, her voice sharp. "Double the guards at the gates. If a group claims to be with Rose, detain them until further notice."
"Rose isn't the enemy, Liz," I protested. "My friends can vouch for her."
"Dad," I added, my voice softening, "get Iris."
He nodded, a silent understanding passing between us before he hurried out the door.
Liz turned to me, her eyes searching mine. "Who's Iris?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.
"She's one of my best friends," I replied, my chest tightening with the weight of my omission. "You'll meet the others soon. But she'll know Rose. She'll know she's telling the truth."
Liz wiped her eyes, a wave of relief washing over her. My father returned with Iris and Noah. Iris looked at Bo, a silent question in her eyes. He nodded, a silent promise to explain later.
Exhausted and emotionally drained, I announced, "I'm going home."
When we got back home, I took a seat on the couch, so much was going through my head. I was happy but then again, I felt like shit saying what I said to Liz and my father. Bo comes over and sits next to me, he gives me a hug and puts my head on his shoulder. He held my hand and we didn't talk about anything, we sat in silence for hours.
We hear a knock on the door, Bo gets ups,
"Bo" I say,
He looks at me "If it is anyone for me, tell them I'm sleeping okay?" I asked him. He looks at me and nodded in understanding,

Bo opened the front door, a cautious look on his face. It was Liz, her eyes red and swollen, but two of her guards were with her.
"Hey, Bo," she said quietly, her voice thick with emotion. "Is he...is he awake?"
Bo hesitated for a moment, glancing back towards the living room where I was curled up on the couch.
"He's here, Liz," he said gently. "But he's had a rough day. Maybe..."
Liz cut him off, her voice barely a whisper. "I need to see him, Bo. Please."
Bo hesitates for a second, then I see him step aside, letting Liz into the house. She walked towards the living room slowly, her eyes fixed on me.
She came around and sat on the couch, and I instinctively stood up, not wanting to be near her. But she grabbed my arm, and I let her pull me back down. I couldn't bring myself to look at her. She reached out and gently touched my chin, turning my face towards hers.
Tears welled up in her eyes as she touched my cheek. I felt empty, hollowed out by years of hurt and resentment.
"Liam," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
I met her gaze, a wave of conflicting emotions crashing over me. I wanted to hug her, to feel the warmth of her embrace like I did when we were kids. But this wasn't the same Liz. This was a stranger, a woman shaped by choices I didn't understand.
Yet, a part of me still recognized her, still remembered the love we once shared. I knew it wasn't her fault, not entirely. Life had thrown us a curveball, and we were both victims of its cruel twist.
Overwhelmed by a sudden urge for connection, I pulled her into a hug. She returned it instantly, her body shaking with sobs. As tears streamed down my face, I realized that the past was a wound that could never fully heal. But maybe, just maybe, we could find a way to move forward together.

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