36 Liam

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The rhythmic beeping of a monitor filled my ears as I stirred awake, my vision blurred. "Where am I?" I mumbled, my voice raspy and weak.
A figure hovered above me, their features indistinguishable. The sound of crashing waves filled the room, and as my eyes slowly focused, I realized it was a nurse, her face alight with a warm smile. "You're finally awake!" she exclaimed. "I'll get the doctor."
As she left, a wave of confusion washed over me. How did I end up here? Where were Bo and Iris? My family?
A doctor entered, his expression reassuring. "You recovered well," he began. "For a moment, we were worried you might slip into a coma. It was lucky Henry got you here when he did."
"Simon?" I questioned, my voice filled with disbelief. Surely, this must be heaven. Simon was dead... wasn't he?
"No, honey, this is real life," the doctor chuckled.
"I... I thought you were..." I trailed off, unable to finish the sentence.
"Dead? No," Simon replied, his voice tinged with guilt. "I got lost trying to keep the Vrys off Annalina. I found my way back to our old house and took the car. I'm sorry for not looking for you all. I got scared."
A wave of relief washed over me. "It's okay," I said weakly. "I'm glad you're safe."
He studied me for a moment. "Your husband should be back in a couple of minutes. He stepped out for fresh air."
"Husband?" I repeated, my heart skipping a beat.
"Well, yeah, that's what he tells everyone," Simon said with a knowing smile. "Anyway, how do you feel? Any pain?" He pulled out a flashlight and shone it into my eyes.
"I'm... I'm okay," I managed.
"Good," he replied. "Don't get out of bed, okay?"
A knock sounded at the door. "That must be him," Simon said, giving me a reassuring smile before leaving.
The door opened, and Bo stepped into the room. Tears welled up in my eyes, and he rushed to my side, embracing me tightly. "I thought I'd never see you again!" I choked out, my voice thick with emotion. "I love you so much, Bo!"
"I love you too, Liam," he sobbed, his face buried in my shoulder. He pulled back, his eyes filled with tears, and our lips met in a passionate kiss. For a long moment, we held each other, savoring the feeling of being reunited after so much loss and uncertainty.
He let go of me, but held my hand as close as he could. "Iris?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.
"She's okay, so are the rest," Bo assured me. "They have a strict rule here that only one person is allowed to stay at a time."
"Oh," I said, my throat suddenly parched. "Do you have any water?"
He laughed softly, the sound like a soothing balm. "Don't you move," he said, rising from the chair. "I'll be right back."
He returned moments later, a cup with a straw in hand. "The doctor wants you to sip, not chug it, okay?" he instructed, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
I reached for the cup eagerly, the coolness of the plastic a stark contrast to the warmth of Bo's hand. As the water touched my tongue, the chill spread through me, quenching my thirst and bringing a wave of relief.
"How long have I been out?" I ask
"About 5 months," he pauses, "you lost a lot of blood, we were not sure if you would make it," he says gripping my hand hard,
We sit in silence for a couple of minutes, he never takes his eyes off me, "When can I leave?"
"Simon says you should be able to leave in a day or so," Bo said
"Oh" i say
"Don't leave me, please," i ask him in a whisper,
"I'm not going anywhere." he says and gets up and kisses me
Hours slipped by in a hazy blur as I drifted in and out of sleep. Bo remained by my side, a comforting presence in the sterile room. Each time I awoke, his warm smile greeted me, reassuring me that I wasn't alone.
A knock at the door interrupted the quiet. Bo rose to answer it, his voice hushed as he spoke to someone outside. Moments later, my sister Liz, Henry, and my dad entered the room. Relief washed over their faces as they saw me awake, and they rushed to Bo's side, embracing him in a group hug.
I opened my eyes, and Liz immediately rushed to my bedside, enveloping me in a tight hug. Tears streamed down her face as she cupped my cheeks, her eyes speaking volumes even without words. I knew she was expressing the relief and joy that words couldn't convey.
When she finally pulled away, my dad took her place, embracing me tightly. "I'm so proud of you," he whispered in my ear, his voice thick with emotion. I hugged him back, feeling a surge of warmth and love.
Henry offered me a firm handshake. "I'm glad you're okay, buddy," he said, his eyes filled with genuine concern.
"Thank you for saving me," I replied, my voice raspy but sincere.
They all settled into chairs around my bed, and we spent the remaining daylight hours in quiet companionship. As the sun began to set, a nurse entered the room and informed my family that it was time for them to leave.
Liz kissed my forehead, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears. "We'll talk soon, okay?" she promised.
"Okay," I replied, managing a weak smile.
My dad gave me a nod of encouragement, and Henry hugged Liz before they left together, their laughter echoing down the hallway.
We heard another knock at the door. "Come in," Bo said, his voice muffled by Iris's embrace.
Iris entered, her eyes glistening with tears. Bo released me and pulled her into a hug. "I'll be outside the room," he said, a silent understanding passing between them.
Iris took Bo's place beside me, gently taking my hand in hers. "Thank you," she whispered.
Confusion flickered across my face. "I should be the one thanking you! You saved him," I insisted, gesturing towards Bo.
Her eyes filled with tears. "I'm so sorry about Noah," I added softly.
She remained silent, but her eyes spoke volumes. I could read the pain and gratitude mirrored in them, just as I could with Liz.
"Your sister and Joey, are they okay?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Yes, Liam," she replied, a faint smile gracing her lips. "They can't wait to see you."
A comfortable silence settled between us for a few moments. Then, Iris chuckled. "He's getting restless," she explained, a hint of amusement in her voice. "I can feel it, and I can hear his pacing." She leaned forward, kissing my hand gently. "I love you, Liam. You and Bo are my family."
With one last squeeze of my hand, she stood, embracing me warmly before leaving the room. She exchanged a reassuring hug with Bo, promising she would be fine getting home alone.
Bo returned to the room, closing the door behind him with a sigh. Just as he sat back down, the nurse bustled in, her cheerful demeanor a stark contrast to the emotional intensity of the past few minutes.
"I won't bother you tonight, Bo," she chirped, administering my medication with a practiced hand. "If you need me, I'm right outside."
Bo nodded, his eyes never leaving mine. Once the door closed, I shifted over on the bed, patting the space beside me. He hesitated for a moment, then slid in next to me, his warmth a welcome comfort.
He wrapped his arms around me, a sigh of relief escaping his lips as I leaned in for a kiss. "You're okay to sleep now, Bo," I murmured. "I'm okay."
He shook his head, his grip tightening. I chuckled softly, kissing the top of his head. His eyelids fluttered shut, and I felt the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against my chest, slowing as he drifted off to sleep. The gentle rise and fall of his breath lulled me into a peaceful slumber.
For the first time in what felt like an eternity, I felt safe, held by the warmth of love and the promise of a new beginning.

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