15 Bo

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I walked away from Liam, thinking this isn't real. Then guilt comes over to me, I'm not sure why he looked so hurt, then another thing pops into my mind will he get back okay? Yeah I thought he was strong. He must be happy for me right? my hand tightly clasped in Max's. I didn't care who saw us anymore; I'd missed him too much. "So, when did this happen?" Kara's eyes sparkled with curiosity as they flickered between us. Her wide, joyful grin was all the answer we needed â€" she accepted us. My cheeks flushed, and Max rubbed the back of his head with a soft sigh. "We started dating a month before the attack," he confessed.
"That's so sweet!" Kara's voice took on a playful lilt. My gaze fell to the ring on her finger. "Are you getting married?" Surprise washed over me. A blush spread across her face. "Tyler proposed a month ago," she chirped, "and I'm pregnant!"
My feet froze. "Wait, what?" I gasped, excitement bubbling within me. "Yes! Five months," she confirmed. A wave of relief hit me â€" this must have happened before the attack.
"I can't wait to see your brother's and sister's faces when they see you. They're going to be overjoyed!" Max squeezed my hand, and I turned to him, my heart swelling at his beautiful smile.
We walked and talked the whole way back to camp. The closer we got, the faster my heart pounded. Then I heard it â€" Terra's voice, soft and sweet, drifting on the breeze. And the gentle twang of Tyler's guitar. A surge of hope shot through me. I dropped Max's hand and bolted forward, barely able to see through the blur of adrenaline and tears.
"Tyler! Terra!" My voice cracked on their names.
Their heads snapped up. Tyler's guitar clattered to the ground, forgotten. Terra's breath hitched, and her hand covered her mouth. Then Tyler was barreling into me, a whirlwind of warmth and relief.
"Bo!" He choked on my name, his voice thick with tears. "You're alive! You're actually alive!"
He hugged me like he was afraid I'd disappear if he let go. Terra wrapped her arms around us, and her kiss on my forehead felt like a blessing. We were a tangle of limbs and joy and the overwhelming sense that something terrible was finally, finally over.
"I thought..." Terra's voice shook, "We thought we lost you."
"I'm sorry," My own voice sounded hoarse. "I'm so, so sorry."
"It's okay," Tyler said, pulling back and beaming at me. "You're here now. We're all back together ."
I pulled away gently. "Annalina," I said, my voice tight. "She's okay."
Terra's eyes widened, tears spilling down her cheeks. "She... but they said..."
"She's not gone," I insisted. "She's safe with my friends. We're going to get her back tomorrow."
Terra collapsed to her knees, her sobs turning into choked cries of relief. "Oh, Bo," she breathed, wrapping me in another hug. "You've grown up so much. I'm so proud of you."
Tyler led me toward the firepit, his voice heavy as he explained how they escaped, how Max and Kara's parents died protecting them. "These people came looking for our dad," he said, his jaw tight. "The community leader sensed something was wrong. He wouldn't let them in. They came back with an army, threatening to burn everything if they didn't hand us over. And... they did."
I stayed silent for a while. Why did they want Dad? Who were those people? Kara bought us drinks, and Max sat beside me, his hand finding mine. Tyler's initial confusion gave way to a smile. "I knew it! You two!"
Terra stopped him with a playful swat on the arm and a reassuring glance at me. Then Tyler turned to me, his eyes warm. "You're still my brother. I don't care who you love. That's for you to figure out. I'm just happy for you," he said.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence, Terra spoke up. "Bo, can you tell us how you survived all this time... alone with a nine-year-old?"
I hesitated, not wanting to bring up Liam. "The night I got back, Mom told me to take Annalina and run. We didn't stop, and she never complained." My voice caught. "We reached this lake..." I trailed off.
"It's okay, Bo," Terra said gently.
"This man... the leader, they called him… he let out a Vry."
"A Vry?" Tyler frowned. "What's that?"
"Just another word for a zombie," I explained. He nodded.
"The Vry attacked Mom. Annalina and I ran, and they started shooting. One of the bullets hit her." Terra gasped, and a sob escaped Tyler.
"She's okay, I promise," I reassured them quickly.
"We found this cabin. I thought it was abandoned, but then... there was this flicker of light inside. This kid, Liam â€" he's my friend now â€" he helped her." I paused, a smile tugging at my lips as I remembered our first meeting. His eyes, so understanding and kind.
"We left, looking for his grandfather, and... well, we fought off Whispers and more Vrâ€" Vrys. We survived, met Iris, and she got Annalina proper medical care." I waited for questions, but Kara simply urged me to continue.
"Raiders took Liam. We took them down, saved him, and then got lost in the woods after a Misteder attacked."
"A Misteder?" Tyler interrupted.
"Yeah. A mutated Vry. It releases this toxic mist."
"Oh," he said softly.
"More people died that night. We almost lost Liam, but this wonderful old lady took us in. We've been with her until today, when I found Max and Kara."
A heavy silence fell. Then Tyler looked at me, his eyes full of pride. "You did good, Bo. Mom and Dad would be so proud. We are."
Night fell, the darkness a stark contrast to the earlier warmth of reunion. "I think I'll turn in," Kara announced, "Coming, honey?"
Tyler stood, engulfing me in a bear hug. He exchanged a silent glance with Terra, a flicker of shared understanding in their eyes.
"Bo, you can sleep with me Roseght," Terra offered, her voice soft.
"Okay," I managed.
Max gave me a gentle smile and reluctantly released my hand. I kissed him quickly. "See you tomorrow."
He nodded, extinguishing the last embers of the campfire. As I entered the tent with Terra, a wave of unfamiliar loneliness washed over me.
For months, it had been Iris or Liam comforting me through the dark nights. A jolt of panic shot through me. Terra sensed my distress. "You're okay, you're safe," she murmured.
"I know, I'm sorry," My voice cracked. "I just... I'm not used to this. Liam... I always had him, whenever I needed him, and today I left him alone. What if he didn't get back okay?" Guilt tightened its grip, and hot tears streamed down my face.
"Terra, I left him!" My voice shook, anxiety twisting inside me. She pulled me into a tight hug, and her familiar humming began â€" the same gentle song that used to soothe me after Dad's anger.
"He must mean a lot to you," she murmured.
"He does. He cares about me. He was there for Annalina... He's saved me, and I've saved him," I choked out the words, guilt gnawing at me. "I thought Max was dead. I thought I'd never see him again."
Terra listened intently, her eyes full of understanding.
"I think I love him," I admitted, the words feeling heavy on my tongue.
She gently wiped away my tears. The way she always did when she'd said she hated seeing me cry.
"Did you tell him how you feel?" Terra asked softly.
"I was about to... then I heard Max." My voice trailed off. "We've been growing closer these past months. Terra..." I sank back onto the pillow, a wave of regret crashing over me. "I ruined what we had, didn't I?"
"No, there's still time to sort things out. But I think you need to be honest with Max about your feelings for Liam. That way, no one else gets hurt," she said gently.
"But what if he doesn't feel the same way about me?" I asked, fear creeping into my voice.
"Well, there definitely seems to be something special between you two. The way you talked about him... how he risked everything to be with you."
I nodded, letting her words sink in. Turning onto my side, I felt Terra cuddle up beside me. She played with my hair, her humming a lullaby, and I drifted peacefully into sleep.
The night fades, and Terra's gentle touch wakes me. "Sweetheart, sorry, but Max wants to head out to get Annalina," she whispers.
I join Max outside. He hugs me, a kiss, and then Kara and Tyler emerge.
"We're getting Annalina," I announce.
"Wanna come, Tyler?" I ask.
"Give me a second, just need my pack," he replies. Moments later, Kara's arguing voice cuts through the morning air. Tyler reappears, empty-handed. "You two go. I'll wait here for your return."
Terra smiles, and we set off, Max squeezing my hand. Silence hangs between us until he speaks, "I'm so glad you're back, Bo. I tried to find you, but your brother..."
"It's okay," I reply, the awkwardness stretching between us for the rest of the trek.
Finally, we arrived. Iris and Joanna stand with Annalina, who's clutching Iris's hand and sobbing. Iris kneels, murmuring words of comfort, then they share a hug.
"Thank you," I choke out.
Joanna hugs me. "You know where to find me, honey," she says, her voice thick with emotion.
Iris's embrace feels like a goodbye. She knows this is the last time we'll meet. "I love you, Bo," she whispers, tears streaming down her face. Then she turns to Max, her voice harsh, "You better take care of them. If you don't..." Joanna places a calming hand on her shoulder.
"Can you tell Liam I'm sorry?" I ask. Joanna nods, and we take our leave, Annalina crying, "Please don't go!" I scoop her up, and she sobs into my shoulder.
Time passes, and Annalina finally quiets.
"Excited to see Terra and Tyler?" Max asks. She shakes her head, silent. I glare at him, whispering, "Give her time."
"How much longer?" Annalina asks.
"Couple more hours," I reply with a smile.
She looks down. "Why couldn't they come with us?"
"Joanna needed Liam and Iris," I explained.
"Can you carry me?" she pleads.
"I can," Max offers. We stop, and he hoists her onto his shoulders, her giggles echoing in the air.
Hours later, we reached the campsite. It's deserted. Max lowers Annalina.
"Terra!" I called out.
"Kara!" Max follows.
Entering Tyler's tent, I see a broken guitar, bloodstains. Whirling around, I find armed men, one holding a gun to Max's head, the other gripping Annalina's shoulder.
"What do you want? Where's my family?" I demand.
A hand clamps down on my shoulder, then a blow, and darkness descends.
I regained consciousness to the approaching roar of the convoy. My vision blurs in and out. Then a scream pierces the air. Max is fighting one of our captors. He unties me, and we dash away, but a gunshot rings out. Max clutches his side, pulls me down, and I land hard, a sickening pop echoing in my shoulder.
"Go, Bo, before it's too late," Max gasps, tears in his eyes. I kiss him.
"I'll find you," I promise, and then I'm running, even as another shot rings out. Tears stream down my face. Just reunited, and now it's all being torn apart again. My legs scream in protest, my heart threatens to explode, but I must get to Liam. He'll know what to do. Finally, familiar streets appear. Exhausted, I struggle to open the gate, then his voice, a single word, spurs me on. I push through and see him standing there.

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