part one

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"Oh and did you hear about the new rider for KTM?" My mechanic asked I got off the test track, I shook my head no and chugged a cold water bottle. "We don't need anybody else, AP and me for 450s plus Tom and Juju for 250s..." I said and Brandon shrugged, "not my choice but she's coming tomorrow." He added and I almost spit my water out, "she?" He nodded then read my mind, "better watch your mouth tomorrow, she's gonna kick your ass out there." Brandon said after handing my helmet over. "Kick my ass, pshhh." I mumbled to myself then put my helmet on and headed back out to the track for more practice.

"Please don't make me go!" I pleaded with my mechanic and he grabbed my arm then yanked me up, "you get your ass up otherwise I am going to call your dad." Blake threatened and I widened my eyes then took some deep breaths after cussing him out under my breath.

So my mechanic is my brother- well not by blood but Blake is my older brother's best friend and he's been in my life since the day I was born so he is a brother to me and that's not always a good thing but he is the person that pushes me to do my best which is how I have this new opportunity to race pro!

I threw my messy brown hair into a low ponytail then curled some of the pieces to look more professional and then I put some jeans on with a white tank and white airforces. I did natural makeup and made sure to apply lots of deodorant for this meeting because I was already sweating. "Ken we're leaving in 5!" Blake yelled from downstairs so I sprayed perfume then grabbed my phone and headed outside.

Blake drove a hour to the restaurant that we were supposed to meet Ian Harrison, the KTM team manager. We walked inside and the hostess recognized me and led us straight to Mr Harrison's table. He looked up from his phone and smiled, "Blake it's nice to see you again, you must be the famous Kendall!" He said and I smiled, "I have heard so much from your mechanic about your racing and hopefully it is all true." I gave Blake the 'really' look then nodded at Mr Harrison anyways.

The waiter came and took our drink and meal order then left us alone to talk about my racing career. "So is tomorrow a good day for you guys to go out to the test track?" Mr Harrison asked, "yeah that's fine." I said, "like early morning or what time were you thinking?" Blake asked and he paused. "Anytime is good but the earlier the better so then you can meet the rest of your team and get to know them before this weekend-" Mr Harrison explained and I interrupted him, "I'm sorry but I'm racing this weekend?"

"Well if you are comfortable with that then yes, but if not then you could start next weekend." I looked at Blake as my heart was beating about 100 miles per hour right now. "Kendall will get as much practice as she can over the next three days and if that's not enough then she will start her debut next weekend." Blake answered for me and I mouthed 'thank you' because he was actually helping me out for once.

Our food came out and we were discussing the whole layout of this upcoming weekend if I decide to race and how the travel days would work since the race is in Detroit, Michigan and I live in Tampa, Florida.

"And I will give you more details if you choose to race or not but next weekend's is in Glendale, Arizona, so the opposite side of the states and you would travel with KTM as a team on that one." Mr Harrison explained as I agreed while taking a bite of my pasta, it was really good.

Both boys were still eating their meals but I was full of my pasta so Blake decided to eat some of mine also. "Is that good?" I asked and he nodded while wiping the sauce off his face and Mr Harrison laughed.

"So do you guys have any questions about tomorrow or this whole thing overall?" Mr Harrison asked once paying the tab, "um who's my teammate?" I asked. "Well Chase Sexton is one and Aaron Plessinger is the other- both really funny guys so you won't have a hard time getting along with them at all." He answered and I felt some relief as Blake asked a few more questions and I zoned out for a little while.

"Ok meet me at the test track whenever you are ready, make sure to get a lot of sleep and eat protein before!" Mr Harrison gave me some advice and I nodded as we were all walking out of the restaurant. "Oh I almost forgot!" He exclaimed then mentioned for us to follow him to his truck, "you will need this and you need this." Blake grabbed his mechanic jacket and I grabbed my jacket, I smiled at my number 143.

"Have a good rest of your guys' night, make sure to get sleep Kendall!" Mr Harrison reminded me and we both nodded, "thank you for dinner Mr Harrison!" I said back and he frowned. "Oh don't call me that- call me Ian, I'm the manager not an old person." He joked then waved goodbye as Blake and I drove home.

The radio was playing 90s rock for both of us to stay awake because it was already 9pm but it was a long day. "Well Ian's a nice guy." Blake said and I nodded while agreeing, "super nice, hopefully the rest of the boys are like that..." I mumbled the last part to myself and prayed that I was right because nothing is worse than racing with someone that doesn't get along with you.

"Goodnight Ken, get some sleep because I'm waking you up early." Blake said and I groaned while telling him goodnight and shutting my light off. I texted the group chat with my family and gave them an update on dinner and they all wished me luck for tomorrow, I smiled then shut my phone off and fell asleep.

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