part eighteen

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I heard an alarm go off and opened my eyes then frowned after looking at the time, I quieted Chase's phone then rolled back over and shut my eyes as the bed was too comfortable to leave.

The water turned off and the bathroom door opened which let all the steam out from the shower. "Kendall you up?" Chase asked and I 'mhmmed', "we gotta leave in a few minutes to get to the stadium." He said and I 'mhmmed' again while staying wrapped up in the warm comforter.

Chase sat down on my bed then ripped the comforter off me but I was holding on for dear life, "please let me sleep." I whined but he had no mercy then leaned over and shook his wet hair on my face. "Fuck you." I said with a sleepy voice and rolled over to bury my face in the pillow. "Kenny you gotta get uppp." He mimicked my voice then wrapped his arms under me. "No Chase no!" I panicked while he picked me up bridal style and started to walk around. "Please no I'm hurt!" "Aww poor baby." Chase said and I pouted then he laughed then put me back on my bed.

We were a few inches away from each other when I looked at him and made eye contact, I leaned in and kissed him. He pulled away and I sat there while breathing heavy, "have we kissed before..." "Yes Kendall." Chase said while kissing me and I felt relief. "Some of my memory is coming back but I still don't know everything and I'm not going to know everyone today so please don't leave me?" Chase nodded, "I won't leave you baby." He said then handed my crutches over while I used them to walk over to my backpack.

I looked over at Chase and he rolled his eyes, "yes you can wear my shirt." He answered the question I didn't even ask and I smiled. "Yay!" He threw a white alpinestars shirt at me as I told him to turn around, "wait actually I need help with my pants." I said once my shirt was on and Chase laughed while carefully putting my baggy jeans over my soft ankle cast then he helped me stand and button them up. "Aww thank you!" "Ready?" He asked and I shook my head, "5 minutes for hair and makeup!"

About 8 minutes later my hair was straight and lashes were looking perfect, "now I'm ready!" I announced after putting one Nike shoe on then spraying perfume and following Chase out the room. "You have your phone?" Chase asked and I shook my head then used my crutch to stop the door from shutting while I went in there and grabbing my phone on the nightstand. "Ok now I'm all ready!"

We arrived at the stadium in Daytona and Chase used his name to park for free. There was already a line to get inside the stadium when the pits opened in 20 minutes so Chase and I found a worker then found a way to get in earlier. "Look it's Sexton!" Someone yelled and all the attention was suddenly on us as people whispered about to my ankle. "Chase let's get out of here." I whispered and he nodded as a stadium worker came over with a golf cart then drove us on the far side to the other entrance.

Chase helped me put the pass around my neck then we walked in the pits and went straight to KTM. "Holy shit they're alive!" A guy announced and all the people in the booth looked at Chase and I with smiles on their faces. "Hold on- Kendall has a little bit of amnesia so she doesn't remember everyone or many details...the accident was pretty brutal and I can race next weekend but she's out for awhile." Chase announced for me and a few people looked at me with frowns then they went back to their conversations.

"Kendall can I talk to you?" A guy with a few grey hairs asked me, I looked at Chase and he nodded then I followed the guy to the corner of the booth. "I'm your team manager- Ian Harrison?" He paused a second, "listen I know a brief story about your mechanic and the issues...we will find you the best mechanic in this country ok Kendall?" He said and I smiled at the thought of him wanting to help me. "Thank you sir and when I'm comfortable, I will tell you details." I responded as he patted my shoulder.
   "And I will be here the whole time while the pits are open so if you need anything let me know." The guy said and I smiled again, "thank you Mr..." "Ian, call me Ian." I nodded then walked back to Chase who was talking with that really tall guy from the picture a few days ago.

I stood next to Chase then rested my head against his shoulder. "This is the guy from the picture?" I whispered and he nodded, "this is your other teammate Aaron Plessinger or AP." The tall guy smiled and stuck his hand out, "I'll help you remember people around here- you liked most of them." He joked as a little girl came running to his legs. "Remember her?" He asked and the little blonde looked at me with a wide smile, "Kendall!" She reached for me, "Savannah right?" I asked and AP nodded as Chase took my crutches and I stood there while holding the little girl. "You're hurt?" She pointed to my ankle and asked.

All of this sudden there were people everywhere talking loudly, pointing, whispering... lots of people were questioning what happened to my ankle and why Chase wasn't racing either. "Uhh where's the manager?" I asked Chase and he raised an eyebrow, "he said he will control all the fans." "No I got it." "Chase that's not a good idea..."

"Alright guys enough talking- I was picking Kendall up and we got into a car accident. She shattered her ankle and I'm just a little sore so neither of us are racing today but I'll be back next week." He announced to all the fans and AP smiled as the KTM manager came out of the trailer. "Kendall I told you to tell me."

"Well I tried that." I answered as he shook his head, "you might want to sneak inside...there are going to be a lot more questions now." He warned then Chase came over and smiled. "Let's go." He led me towards the trailer while I slowly followed on my crutches.

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