part thirteen

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It was silent on the main level of the hospital since it was 12:37 in the morning and most people in the waiting room were already sleeping...well until Mr and Mrs Cruz ran through the front doors, making a big scene while trying to catch their breath. "I need to see my daughter!" Stacy told the front desk lady.

"I need your guy's names and her name please."

"Stacy and Jim Cruz- we need to see our daughter Kendall...she's been in an accident." Mrs Cruz said briefly because she didn't know any other details about the accident.

"Sorry but she can't have any visitors right now, come back in about 30 minutes and you can."
The front desk lady responded as more tears fell out of Mrs Cruz's eyes.

"No I need to see her now- is she alive?" She started to panic while others in the waiting room stared
and Jim tried to calm her down. "Is she alive?" She asked louder and the lady took a little step
back before answering Mrs Cruz's question.

"Yes ma'am your daughter is alive but she isn't in a good condition so she needs to rest rest while the doctors try to figure out their plan for when she wakes up..."

"Jim don't stand there, do something!" Mrs Cruz exclaimed but he looked at the other lady who sighed.

"I'm going to go sit down for awhile and we'll ask again..." Mr Cruz explained in a calm voice and she opened her mouth but stopped as she got pulled into a private waiting room.

Stacy and Jim sat in their own waiting room, anxious and waiting for any updates. But nobody came to tell them anything until 2:21 am when both of them were laying on each other's shoulder, dead asleep.

   "Stacy and Jim?" A nurse tapped on their outside shoulder, Mrs Cruz quickly woke up while Mr Cruz wouldn't move until Stacy gave him a friendly nudge. "Oh I'm awake!" He said then paid attention. 

"Your daughter has gone through a lot obviously in the last 12 hours and the only things so far that we can see is that her right collarbone is bruised, fractured right ankle, bruised knee, and a swollen black eye." The nurse explained as Mrs Cruz started sobbing. "My poor baby..." she said while Jim nodded. "Can I talk to you?" The nurse pulled Mr Cruz outside the room while keeping a close eye on his wife all alone.

   "That's not all huh..." "Kendall has amnesia." The nurse blurted and Mr Cruz's eyes broke even more. "How is that going so far?" He asked, "well she doesn't know she has a boyfriend." "Kendall has a boyfriend?" He asked and the nurse widened her eyes. "Whoops, but yes and she forgot about him...I haven't asked about you guys yet but I'm her main nurse so I will give you all the updates." She explained and Mr Cruz slowly nodded while looking at her name tag. "Thank you nurse Julie." She smiled then opened the waiting room door for Mr Cruz to sit down with Stacy and explain everything.

   I couldn't sleep at all last night or this morning, I was too scared about Kendall and her hospital visit because she seems a lot more severe than me... my nurse kept telling me 'good' things about her but none of it was a miracle and she wasn't coming back. Amnesia can take over a person's life and that was my number one fear that would happen to Kendall and all our memories made.

My nurse came in around 7am and told me I was cleared to go home since my injuries weren't bad enough to stay another night in the hospital. I asked if Kendall was allowed any visitors yet and she looked at me when shrugged, "I'll go check right now, you stay here Chase." She said then left my room.

   About 10 minutes later, my nurse came back with bad news. "I just spoke with the doctor and he said Kendall is diagnosed with retrograde amnesia...she doesn't remember anything recent or new but she will most likely remember memories from years ago." I stood up from my hospital bed and nodded. "They need to do a few most tests but you are able to see her today." My nurse added but my smile had already fallen off my face...I'm a new memory, she won't remember me?

   I was told to wait in the waiting room and the front desk lady glared at me as I walked past. The main waiting room was full so my nurse led me to the private one where one other couple was sleeping. I sat in the room and stared at the blank walls and the ugly color they were painted because there was nothing else to do since I didn't remember grabbing my phone from the accident... "Oh Chase-" My nurse said then left the room and I looked at her confused then she came back and handed 2 phones over. "Here." I mumbled a thank you as she handed a charger over and I sat on the seat closest to the wall to charge my phone. Kendall's phone had three percent on it and the first message on the lock screen was from her dad asking her location... I sighed as I scrolled more and saw Blake had texted her but I left it.

"Sorry I didn't mean to eavesdrop but the nurse said your name was Chase?" The lady in the room asked and I nodded, "Chase Sexton?" She asked and I nodded again while she looked at the other guy- I'm guessing was her husband. She whispered a few words to him as I looked down at my phone to see it was still dead with the screen a bit shattered on the top half. "I'm Stacy, Kendall's mom." I quickly looked up.

   "And this is Jim, her father." He gave me a smile as I nodded, "nice to meet you, you guys have raised a beautiful and amazing woman." The mom smiled while the dad went back to his playing on his phone.

There was awkward silence so I checked on my phone again and it finally turned on and showed 1%.

"Have you guys heard any updates?" I cleared my throat and asked them.

"No just that we won't be able to see her until awhile..." Stacy said and I frowned.
"Have you?" She asked me.

"Well I know she has retrograde amnesia-" I began and got cut off with Stacy's tears.
I looked at her then figured she was also going through a rough time here.

"How about your parents, do they know you're here?" Jim asked me and I shrugged.

"I'm sure they got the call but my phone just barely turned on." I explained and he nodded.
Sure enough, there were many missed texts and calls from my dad.
I paused and decided to call him out in the hallway to explain everything that happened...

unexpected love  // chase sexton Where stories live. Discover now