part nine

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The next morning I woke up and rubbed my eyes, I reached for my phone on my nightstand but realized my nightstand wasn't there because I wasn't in my house... I also had a massive headache. There was no memory of last night but then I caught of glimpse of the bruise on my arm and some stuff came back.

I remembered that I had asked to stay the night with Chase so this must be his house...

There was a room with an open door so I quietly walked down there, hoping it was a bathroom. I poked my head in there to see a massive bathroom and I thought I was clear so I shut the door but it slammed which caused me to jump. "Holy shit." I mumbled to myself then walked in a bit more and saw Chase was fucking shaving his face in the mirror with no towel or anything. "OH MY GOD!" I screamed and shut my eyes, "what the fuck! Shit there's shaving cream in my eyes!" Chase yelled while trying to grab a towel.

I was trying to walk out of the bathroom with my eyes covered when I tripped and completely fell against Chase, I opened my eyes to get up and Chase was still not covered. "Oh my god- put a towel on!" I yelled. "I was TRYING to do that Kendall!" He yelled back while grabbing a towel a few inches away from him.

"God what are you even doing up?" Chase asked and I raised an eyebrow, "your alarm was set for 10!" "How'd you know?" I asked, "well when I got up this morning to shower your phone was right there." He explained and it took me a second but my eyes widened and Chase read my mind. "Yes I slept right next to you because you didn't want to be alone throughout the night..." he said and I looked down at my shirt which wasn't my shirt, I'm guessing it was one of Chase's old Honda racing t-shirts. "Oh my god"

We both stood in the bathroom for a few more seconds and Chase tilted his head, "you all ok from last night?" He asked and I nodded. "Shaky topic but yeah I'm fine." I responded with a smile and he stepped closer then grabbed my arm carefully, "you still got that bruise..." "it's from my bike alright?" I said then he nodded, "alright. Just wanted to make sure you're all good though." Chase said while making direct eye contact with me and I opened my mouth to say something except there were no words.

"Chase-" his lips crashed on mine and he kissed me for a few seconds then pulled away. "Did you feel anything in that?" He asked and I was lost for words. "I- yes." I managed to say and he pulled me closer then kissed me again except this time I responded back.

   "What are we gonna tell everyone?" I asked after wiping shaving cream off my cheek, he laughed then shrugged. "They'll find out soon." He responded and I smiled while kissing him again. "Thank you for everything last night, I don't know what would have happened if you didn't find me..." Chase frowned, "he was the guy in the pits right?" "Yeah, my psychotic ex!" I joked and he laughed then frowned. "I'm Sorry."

My alarm went off in the other room so I left Chase to finish shaving and I went to respond to all my missed texts and calls from Blake... I made sure to let him know I was safe all last night even though that was a lie but he wasn't going to know that part. He responded back with a thumbs up then told me to come home soon for a few workout sessions then a spa day for body massages later today.

   Chase walked in the room and I smiled as he looked nice and clean. "Breakfast?" He asked me, "sure!" I responded while getting up. We drove to a breakfast place a few miles from his house and it was packed inside. Chase told the waiter his name then twenty minutes passed and a table was opened for us. We ordered drinks then ordered food- I got one waffle with a side of eggs and Chase got a breakfast wrap with a side of eggs and bacon. "That's all you want?" He asked and I nodded then the waiter walked away.

"Yeah I have to do workouts after this plus gotta stay in the calories." I explained and he nodded while I looked down at my phone that buzzed.

Blake: you heading back soon?

Me: give me a hour to get ready

Blake: have fun on your date!

I sorta laughed then looked up at Chase who was smiling at me, "what?" "You feel fine after last night?" He asked, "maybe you don't." I joked and he shook his head. "Also I apologize for how I acted- alcohol and me don't get along very well..." Chase laughed. "I could tell, actually everyone could tell." "Great."

Both of us smiled widely at each other as our food came out and was placed front of us.

I didn't eat 100% of my food because I was getting full but I looked across the table and saw Chase had just ate the last bite of his bacon. "Geez." I said and he rolled his eyes, "yes miss anorexic." He said as I took a sip of water, we were both sitting there, laughing our heads off as I tried to swallow my water. "Oh god you can't make a joke when I'm drinking." I said while wiping the tears that formed and Chase smiled.

   "I'll pay since you've already done a lot for me." I offered but when the bill came, Chase stole it and I groaned. "Please?" I asked but he handed the folder back to our waiter and I pouted, "thank you."

   Chase offered to drop me off at my house and I told him Blake would come pick me up but he insisted. "Well KTM wasn't wrong when they said you listened well..." Chase joked and I shrugged then got in the passenger seat of his truck and we joked around the whole rest of the ride to my house.

"Bye Kendall, see you at the track tomorrow." Chase said and I gave him a quick kiss goodbye then went to the front door where Blake was already standing. "Oh shit!" I yelled as he scared me then laughed. "Asshole." I muttered, "hey you're the asshole that's twenty minutes late to workouts!" Blake reminded and I apologized then ran up to my room to change into bright blue leggings and a matching sports bra.

   "I'm ready!" I announced then Blake handed me my water bottle and phone, "now I'm ready!" He laughed while we got in the truck and he drove to the private gym while I was playing my workout music.

unexpected love  // chase sexton Where stories live. Discover now