part four

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It was finally Thursday aka travel day to Detroit for this weekend- yes I did decide to participate in round 5 this weekend which was making me have so many anxiety attacks...

Blake and I were sharing a hotel room with two different beds luckily and it was currently 5 pm, the night before my big debut race and I had never been so scared in my life. Even when I was racing in the advanced class at Loretta's, I was not this scared...I just have that gut feeling in my stomach that I am going to completely embarrassing myself in front of everyone on live tv on Saturday or even tomorrow.

I took a long shower because these hotel rooms were nice and we might as well get our money's worth. I did my skincare and got everything ready for tomorrow morning after I got my comfy pajamas on and there was a knock on the door so Blake opened it, turns out he doordashed us dinner because we had no car.

"You're nervous?" He asked except it sounded more like a statement, "how'd you know?" I joked and he looked at me, "you always go quiet and zone out I've noticed." Blake said and I cocked my head. "Hmm well I've already had a few anxiety attacks about tomorrow, all the questions and meetings are going to drive me crazy and I just know I'm going to mess up on my words sometime..." I explained and Blake laughed. "Well take deep deep breaths and I'm sure you'll be fine, plus you aren't the only person there." He added while giving me another little pep talk and it surprisingly helped with my nerves.

The clock said 8pm and I decided to get some sleep because I need some for tomorrow to get through all the interviews and questions. "Goodnight Blake!" "Goodnight Ken, get some sleep." He reminded me after shutting the lights off and my eyelids quickly shut and never opened once throughout my night's sleep.

I went to the stadium at 8am for press day to officially start and Kendall showed up late by two minutes, "you're late." Vialle told her and she sorta laughed, "sorry I didn't realize there was traffic." She apologized then Vialle apologized because he was just joking.

There was few conversations and then our manager came over and told us to head over to the conference room. I looked over as Jason was announcing the general things and saw that Kendall was standing there while fidgeting with a gum wrapper in her hand, she made eye contact with me then I quickly looked away as she shot me a little smile. Jason announced 250 riders to go sit up so they all did and Kendall took some deep breaths while waiting for our turn, I quietly walked over to Blake, her mechanic and told him some advice to pass on for her... "she knows what to do." He said and I looked at him with a really, "Ken's just nervous-" Blake explained and I nodded because that was fair.

The 250s interviews were over and Kendall followed AP to the chairs and I sat to the left of her. Every time I looked to the right, Kendall was already looking at me and I thought nothing of it...

Chase kept looking at me all throughout press day and I thought it was a bit odd because he never talks to me even when I'm trying to make a conversation- he just walks away or ignores me but no big deal. So press day was over and I went out to eat with Blake and he invited Vialle because they had known each other since before this job apparently. "So Kendall, you like any moto guys?" Tom joked and I shook my head, "nope I've learned my lesson awhile ago with those..." I explained quickly and he nodded.

"Well hope you get plenty of rest for tomorrow and do very good." He said goodbye with his cute little accent and we both waved goodbye then left the restaurant after Tom so kindly paid the bill.

We got back to the hotel and room service had dropped off a fat stack of towels and washcloths so I was able to take a long shower and fell all nice and clean afterwards. I was laying in my bed, checking Instagram and looking at all the updates when I saw a post from a moto account about me.

"First 20 year old female to race supercross- debut this weekend at monster energy's fifth round of supercross..." the post had a lot of positive things about me plus a few words I said earlier from the press. Most of the comments were nice but some people didn't believe in me which only made me want to win tomorrow night even more, to prove the haters wrong and show I can win or at least get podium...

Blake got out of the shower and told me goodnight right before I closed my eyes to get enough sleep.

The next day I got woken up even earlier than yesterday, "cmon birthday girl we can't be late today." Blake said and I groaned then half smiled but forced myself to get up. I was all dressed and ready at 7:30 am so we left our hotel around 7:45 which took us to the stadium at 7:55 and we were on time!

unexpected love  // chase sexton Where stories live. Discover now