Chapter :- 9 [Mr. Nigam Arrival]

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Let's start the chapter 9...

Ashu's side:

After playing in garden, Ashu, Abhi and Vaish came back to home. When the children return home from the garden, VA gives the children Gulab Jamun to eat and Orange juice to drink.

(A/N:- Hey, Readers! I love Gulab Jamun very much😋

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(A/N:- Hey, Readers! I love Gulab Jamun very much😋. Are any of you also love to eat Gulab Jamun? If so, give attendance in the comment section🤗😉).

After finished eating their snacks and drinking juice, the children were playing Snake and Ladder in living room. The elders were helping each other in kitchen for cleaning the kitchen.

After cleaning the kitchen, the elders came into the living room and sat on the sofa. Children are busy playing Snake and Ladder.

Just then the door bell rings indicating that someone was outside of the door. VA went and opened the door. A man around 31-year-old was standing there, seeing the man, VA smiled and hugged the man. The man also hugged VA. After breaking the hug the man came inside the house.

Just then Ashu come to that man while shouting "Dad" (So the man is our Ashu's father Ramveer Nigam), and hugged him tightly.

(I am using RU for RVN uncle).

Ashu: (Still hugging+kissing his cheek) Dad, I missed you so much.
RU: (Hugging him back) I too missed you Champ.
Ashu: (While breaking the hug) Dad, i was waiting for you since morning.
RU: Are you waiting for me or waiting for the gift I bring?
Ashu: For both.
RU: (While ruffling his hair) My smart boy. Actually the gift you asked for was not available where I went, so I went somewhere else and brought it.
Ashu: (With sweet smile) It's okay, Dad.
RU: (While giving him the gift) Here, take your gift.
Ashu: (Kissing his both cheeks) Thank you so much Dad.
RU: (Kissing his son forehead) Happy Birthday to you Champ.
Ashu: (With wide smile) Love you Dad.

Then PRU said "From whomever the first gift should have come, it has come, so whoever has brought the gift, one after the other, give Buttercup the gift they have brought".
Everyone came except RU and gave the gift they had brought to Ashu one by one. After receiving everyone's gift Ashu said a thank you to all of them. Then Vaish said "Come BabyBear, let's see what gift you asked Mamu to brought for you". Ashu replied "Okay Cupcake".

Then the children went to Ashu's room to see what's the gift Ashu asked for.

Stay Tuned.

What is that gift is? Any guess?
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