Chapter :- 18 [Drifted apart]

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Let's start the chapter 18...

Next day. In America, at morning:

Muskaan's side:

After reaching America, AU and SA with Muskaan went to their new home.

After seeing whole house SA begin to arrange their clothes into wardrobe.

After sometime Muskaan woke up and saw the room and realized this is not her room, so out of fear she shouted called her parents. Listening Muskaan's shouting, AU and SA came to her. Saw her parents, Muskaan got up hurriedly and hugged AU while(crying+saying) "Papa this is not my room, where are we?". AU replied "Yes Princess, this is not your room, actually we are in America right now". Muskaan said while(crying hard) "What? But Papa, why we are in America?". SA said "Muskaan, don't you know that your Papa has set up a new branch here. So to develop this branch we have to live here". Muskaan replied "No, i don't want to be live here, i want to go back to Mumbai".

AU said "Princess, try to understand, its must to we be here". Muskaan replied while(still crying) "No Papa! My school, my friends, Ran bhaiya, Barbie and Ashu also in Mumbai. So i don't want to be here, please come we will go back to Mumbai". AU said (Trying to convince her) "Rai's and Singh's are also coming here with their family to live here for their business. So Ran and Ashi also will come, and three of you will go to school together like before". Muskaan said (Still crying) "No, i don't want to be here".

AU said(her to understand) "I can understand you Princess, but try to understand me. You don't want me to grow in my dream profession. See, don't you want to be at a great level when you grow up and meet Ashu? You promised Ashu that you will study well and enter your dream profession, didn't you? So how great should you be when you meet Ashu? There is a good school here and there are many opportunities to achieve your dream, so listen to me, Princess. I have taken this decision thinking about your future so please understand". Muskaan replied while (wiping her tears) "Ok Papa, I understood! Yes, I want you to be in your dream profession and i want me to be enter in my dream profession. I want to be at a great level when I grow up and meet Ashu. I promised him that i will achieve my dream. So i am agree to live here".

After agreed to live in America, Muskaan never asked her parents for going back to Mumbai. Her only thought is to study well and achieve her dream, as she promised Ashu that she will make her dream come true.

Next day. In Mumbai, at evening:

Ashu's side:

Ashu was pacing back and forth in front of the main door. Meanwhile VA came to Ashu.

VA: (In confused tone) What happened Ashu? Why are you pacing in front of the door.
Ashu: Mom, no letter from Muskaan yet, so waiting for it here.
VA: The time for posting is over, I think the letter will come tomorrow.
Ashu: No mom, today is the 13th... So sure it will come today.
VA: But the posting time is got over... So it will not come today.
Ashu: We both decided that the letter would reach us on the 13th... We receive it on the 13th of every month since the year... I posted the letter yesterday for to she receive it today... Then how can her letter to me come tomorrow and not today.
VA: (Trying to explain him) I can understand you Ashu, maybe she is not well, that's why she couldn't post the letter?
Ashu: (In worried tone) Is it true? She's not well?
VA: I think so! Don't worry, she will soon post the letter.
Ashu: Ok Mom, I'll wait till tomorrow... If she posts the letter, it is okay, otherwise I will write another letter asking why she did not post the letter.
VA: Okay! Do what you like.

Ashu did not receive the letter from Muskaan even the next day, so Ashu wrote and posted the letter to Muskaan, asking why didn't she post the letter yesterday. As there was no reply from Muskaan even to this letter, Ashu wrote another letter to Muskaan and posted it. Like this one week passed. But still there was no reply from Muskaan. With no reply from Muskaan since last week, Ashu is sitting in his room and crying while reading the previous letters written by Muskaan.

Today being Sunday everyone is at home. RU and Abhi came downstairs from their rooms and sat on the sofa in the living room.

VA noticed that even though it was time for breakfast, Ashu still did not come downstairs from his room. VA tells Abhi to go to Ashu's room and call Ashu for breakfast. Abhi goes to Ashu's room and sees many letters spread on Ashu's bed and Ashu is crying looking at a letter.

Abhi: (In worried tone) What happened Chote, why are you crying? What is this all, why are you spread the letters all over the bed?
Ashu: (While crying hard) Dada, still no letter from Muskaan... This letters are previous letters written by her! Isn't she my best friend? Dada, why hasn't she sent the letter yet? Is she forgot me?

Meanwhile RU and VA came to Ashu.

VA: (In worried tone) Ashu, what happened beta, why are you crying and what's all this?
RU: Abhi, what happened? Why Champ is crying? And what is this letters?
Abhi tells all about what happened before they both came and why Ashu is crying.
VA: Ashu, i told you earlier that maybe she is not well, so when she feel better then she'll post the letter... Why are you crying then?
Ashu: (In still crying) But Mom, it's been one week i posted the letter and i posted two more letters in this week, asking why she didn't post the letter... Still she didn't post even one letter! Is she forgot me?
RU: No, champ, no such thing will happen... She is not a girl who forgets her friends so easily, as much as I got to know about her through these letters... Moreover you're her best friend, so she'll definitely post a letter to you soon.
VA: Ashu, what your Dad said is true... She is not the girl who forgets her friends so easily... What is she busy with, the work might be very important to them, so she will post a letter to you when it is done, okay?
Ashu: But what is so important that a single letter cannot be written?
RU: What ever work it is! Maybe that work is important to them? Try to understand.
Ashu: But...
RU: No ifs and buts. See, you are my Champ, right? Then why are you crying like kids... Now you're grown up... I have been observing you since last week, you are not studying properly, not playing, not eating... Just sitting alone sadly... I can understand that she is your best friend, so it is not wrong for you to feel this way towards her... Now are you going to cry like this until she posts a letter to you? You told me once, you promised Muskaan that you will study well and enter your dream profession, didn't you? So how great should you be when you meet Muskaan? So you have to study well... In case she didn't post the letter, we will search for her whereabouts.
Ashu: (While wiping his tears) Ok Dad, I understood! I want to be at a great level when I meet Muskaan... I promised her that i will achieve my dream... So I will study well... I will wait for her letter, no matter how long it may take... But I am not going to stop writing the letters, i will keep write the letters and post that letter to her every month on the date we decide.
RU: That's like my good boy.

After this conversation, Ashu was never sad. He is as usual as before. Because, his only thought is to study well and achieve his dream, as he promised Muskaan that he will make his dream come true.

Stay Tuned.

Muskaan and Ashu both got Drifted apart, now what will happen?😯🤔.

Will they both meet each other? Or they both will remain as "the letter" acquaintances?😟🤔.

"The Letter" will be the reason for their reacquaintance?🤔😌😏.

So Readers, are you all excited to know how they both meet?😏.

Then till next chapter wait and read😉.

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