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Honey's POV:

Getting ready for the game tonight, it was going to be a cool night so Coach said we could wear tights under our skirts and our jackets if need. I just layered my tops right and was warm. Blue came in and asked if I could do her ponytail and I nodded since my curler was still hot.

I started Blue's hair and the Mom's surprised us by coming in and closing the door. Mommy was sniffling and I got nervous but Padre' hugged her closed and gave her a tissue while speaking.

"She's just emotional, don't worry about her. It's her hormones."

"Anyways, we wanted to give you girls something special to wear for Homecoming since this is your last as students." Mama said handing me a Blue small jewelry boxes.

Blue and I opened them revealing rings. They were thick gold bands with diamonds all the way around. We squealed in excitement putting the rings on and saying "Thank you." We hugged them and Mommy started crying again saying she loved us and wanted us to have a good time this weekend. Ma walked Mommy out to calm down and Padre' and Mama took a few pictures before leaving out saying we'd eat at the tailgate in an hour.

I finished Blue's hair and went to check on the twins. They were dressed and we're packing their cheer bags. I hugged them and they asked about my foot and I said it was fine and that I could wear my shoes but wouldn't be on full cheer duty so was just going to hype up the crowd and take the pictures for the socials.

The twins nodded before Gia rubbed my shoulder and told me to make sure I had a good time tonight and not get involved in drama and to get tested for STI's. Twitter and the school group chat was buzzing with tea and drama and I had been scrolling through it last night while I was bored and wasn't disappointed, the tea was hot.

I left their room and went to get something to eat from the kitchen and ran into Mommy who was making a grilled cheese sandwich on sourdough but there was a pink tint to the cheese.

"Mommy, why is your cheese pink?"

"Oh, that's from the jam."

"I'm sorry? Jam?"

"Yes. I'd been craving it all day."

I grunt before hugging Mommy and resting my head on her shoulder. She turned the stove top off and asked if I needed to talk and I thought about Skai and then about what Ma said and changed my mind. Mommy didn't need the stress of knowing Skai was acting dumb especially when I wasn't ready to break up her. Our relationship was complicated and I hated the drama but I really loved Skai.

Mommy plated her sandwich before washing her hands and biting into it. I was curious about the taste and had a piece before shrugging. It wasn't that bad. Not like when Ma tried to cook for us. Bless her, she can't cook for nothing! She actually started two fires once when I was little but luckily they were put out quickly. But worse was when she accidentally gave Mommy food poisoning when she was pregnant with PapaBear. Poor Mommy had to stay in the hospital two nights because she was so dehydrated. Everyone soon came down and we headed back to the school.

Nicki's POV:

Getting back to the the school and out for the tailgate I tied my hoodie around my waist and adjusted my shirt. I followed everyone as we weaved through the crowd. We stopped at the cheerleader table and took pictures of the girls with their friends and brought raffle tickets. I was exhausted and just want to sit and have some fruit. Rih read my mind and disappeared and came back with a big cup of mango and pineapple chunks.

We got tickets and sat watching the Senior girls get an awards from their coach before the game started. The ladies got an assortment of different foods to pass around most of it had been cooked on the grill. I stuck to my fruit and got up to get more and stretch my legs. I went inside the school to use the bathroom and ran into Skai's Mom, Kiya. She spoke to me and the wine smell on her breath made me want to puke.

"Hi Kiya."

"Hey Onika, I saw you and tribe earlier and was meaning to come over and speak but I got caught up helping Skai put on her majorette headpiece."

"Oh, I saw her in the stands, she looked nice." I reply taking a step back and swallowing hard to not vomit.

"What? Does my breath smell?"

"I can smell your drink on your breath is all and it's upsetting to my stomach."

"I barely had two drinks. Are you...pregnant? You are aren't you? I can see it all your face. Damn Nic, you already have 5, and 2 will be going to college soon you'd think you'd all slow down. Do you get a coupon at the sperm clinic, and it was running out?"

"Kiya, I have to go to the bathroom."

"Wait, don't rush off. Come on, girl, another baby at our age? Do you know the risks in that? Is it only one? Can you imagine twins again? It would be hell and could kill you, luckily you have the wives to raise the babies if you pass."

I was stunned for a moment as Kiya's words hit me and quickly pushed past her to go into the bathroom. Kiya followed me into the bathroom and kept questioning me while I used the bathroom holding back tears. It wasn't lost on me that I was older and that I was high risk even carrying one baby let alone three. I was washing my hands when Kiya put her hand on my lower belly and gave it a light squeeze asking how far along I was.

I pushed her hand off and left out. I bit my tongue not wanting to curse her out at the school and embarrass the girls. Outside, I went to the van and lay in the back seat giving into the tears.


Rihanna's POV:

It was half time and Nicki still wasn't back from going to get a snack. I was worried so I went to look for her telling the ladies to get the girls snacks and such as they came up from the field. I went into the school and checked the bathrooms but she wasn't in there. I checked around the PTA table and some of the food trucks before going to the van. Inside, I found crying her eyes out into some Kleenex. I texted Bey that me and Nicki were in the van and hopped in. I sat in front of her and put an arm over her.

"What's wrong Babe?"

"I'm just...I think..."

"Is it something to do with the babies? Are you in pain?"

"Yes and No. I...am so mad at Kiya but she's...right. I was irresponsible."

"Kiya? Skai's mom?"


"What did that bitch say?"

"I don't...want to repeat it. It was too hurtful."

Nicki cried harder and I hugged her tighter trying to get her to relax. She didn't and I needed to take her home because she felt sick. I texted Meg and Bey and told them to get an Uber home and that I needed to take Nicki home.

I went straight home and got Nicki inside who was starting to calm down. She told me what Kiya said and I was livid. While Nicki was in the shower, I went outside and called Bey to update her and Megan and smoke to calm me down.

Going back in, I tended to Nicki who had come out of the shower and was in a tank top and shorts with hair up. She looked so tired and her face was still red from her crying so much. I quickly peeled off my hoodie and sweats and joined her on the bed cuddling her. She asked me to put her to sleep and I obliged, rubbing her body until she fell asleep.

I took a shower and got changed into loungewear top and matching bottom before going downstairs to fill Nicki's cup with water and get a snack. I put the water on her nightstand and went out on the balcony to eat and decompress.


excuse all errors!



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