chapter 5

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Her brows are furrowed and I know for a fact she's having a bad dream again. I wish I could help but this is far from my extent. I could burn down buildings, could kill a thousand men but helping her get over a bad dream, I can't. For now at least, there is always a way. 

"Evangeline wake up" I say softly trying not to startle her. While she fell asleep I put her in the car and we drove to my private jet. I almost got into a few accidents as I couldn't help but stare at her sleep. There it is again my heart beats against my chest this time harder. 

"Zane?" She asks confused "where are we?" Before I can respond I get out of the car walk over and open the door she goes to stand and I sweep her off her feet she squeals slightly "Zane, you do know I can walk by myself" she says with a serious face "I'd rather not take any chances, you aren't aloud to pass out anymore" I say with a warning in my voice. She looks up and sees the jet "no way" she says her mouth falls open. 

"Yes way" I say as I walk up the steps to the jet. I put her down on the seat across from mine. She slowly takes in her surroundings, the bashe leather coloured chairs are nice and comfortable. "Hungry?" I ask "starved" she says with a bit of humor in her eyes. "Mmm lets fix that" I press the button on my seat and three waiters come out with plates and plates of food. There's breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert all lined up for her. 

Her eyes widen in shock and her mouth falls open. The waitress pours a glass of red wine for her. She stares uncomfortably at the glass as the liquid falls. "Evangeline?" I ask concerned " I um I don't drink '' she says shyly I wave my hand at the waitress and she takes away the glass instantly and closes the sliding door behind her leaving it just me and Evangeline. 

"Where's your glass?" She says "I don't drink Mia cara" she rolls her eyes "what did I tell you would happen if you rolled your eyes at me" I say with warning. She gulps her water down while still making eye contact with me, I reach for my groin and adjust in my seat, she threatens to look down still staring at me, she almost choked on her water trying to down her food.

 I smirk knowing she knows. She soon lets it go and continues eating. I just eat a classic hamburger. I believe quality over quantity fancy restaurants will serve you a small plate of food for over 1k and expect you to be pleased, I completely disagree with that type of life. I eat and I eat a lot.

It was almost calming watching her eat and drink down three glasses of water, I basically showed the water and food in her face forcing her but she needed it to stay conscious. She holds her stomach and leans back in her seat "I'm so full I feel like I'm going to explode" I let out a wide smile and she smiles when seeing it, again my heart begins beating against my chest like a drum. A man like me shouldn't have a heart that still beats.

We stare for a while. I search her eyes looking for the thoughts in her head I know she wants to say as she does through mine. Our staring is soon interrupted by a waitress "we have made the bed and sweet for you it's going to be a long flight" the waitress walks off and I look over at Evangeline I almost smile at her surprise "you have a bed on here!" She basically squeals "would you like to go for a nap?" 

She stands up and goes to leave the table but I quickly stand and sweep her off her feet again "I'm starting to think you enjoy carrying me Zane" she says with a bright smile on her face and my cock throbs from the action. "Soon I'll forget to walk" I smirk. "I can do a lot of things to you that will make you forget to walk" she blushes a deep red color and hides her face in my chest.

I walk her over to the bed and close the door. I slowly put her on her feet a foot away from the bed but she holds onto me. I stare into her eyes and she stares into mine. I can tell she's looking for words but she just can't seem to find them. 

Her plump boobs press just below my chest from how short she is and her arms drape over my neck. My hands find a way to her waist and squeeze ever so slightly. She bites her bottom lip pulling the corner between her teeth, my cock is so hard I can feel it straining against my pants, fuck I just want to touch her. "Lay with me" she almost whispers" I sigh "I don't know whether I can just lay down next to you Evangeline, I don't trust myself with you" she stares and gives me a slight smile while letting go of her bottom lip "I trust you" I can feel my chest tighten from her sudden confession.

She'll hate you when she finds out.

The sudden thought makes me feel uneasy but I realize that she's noticed some things up "ok" I say with a sigh to keep my cover, she can't know, not yet.

I walk over to the soft bed it's queen size and wait for her to get in, I take off my shoes and get under the covers it's cold. I can feel her shaking beside me. I clap twice which startled her "what the heck are you doing Zane?" She looks mortified, the lights begin to dim and a small bit of light is left, just enough that I can see her beautiful face.

 I turn over to face her and she does so with me. She's still shaking. I tilt my head back but before I can hold myself back I pull her close to me "Zane?" She says but I just stay quiet. I hold her close to my chest. My hand finds her hair as the other finds her waist. She gasps softly and I smirk knowing the effect I have on her. Gosh if she knew the effect she had on me I would be a dead man. She looks up at me moving away from my chest slightly.

 I have the urge to bring her back in but she startles me when she says "you would make a good husband" I stare at her in awe, she seems so innocent and so loving. I don't deserve her but I'm selfish and I need this, before I can debate with myself I lean in grabbing onto her tightly pressing my lips against hers, startled at first but eventually she leans in more getting on top of me.

 I try to restrain myself from taking control and just have one hand on her upper thigh and one on her jaw. The kiss becomes more intense and more vicious as our tongues dance. I can't hold myself back any longer, I grab onto the small of her back and flip us over. I lay myself between her legs and she wraps them around me. I slowly grind against her core and feel her shiver and softly moans against my mouth, I bite her bottom lip for entry and she gives it to me gladly, fuck i'll never be able to have enough of her. 

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