chapter 9

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After dinner we made our way to the plane. It was still earlyish eight but we had to be back home before the wedding. The wedding was planned for me, my father made sure to get a proper designer and she went off of the three things I told her. I want red roses everywhere, I want the tables to be black along with the chairs with red bows, and there needs to be lights above the ceiling. And that the ceremony has to be at night, I had always had the dream to get married in the dark. 

Other than that I didn't mind. I'm not going to lie, I'm scared of what the future holds. There are so many things we have yet to discover about each other. Zane seems to understand I still want some sort of space, I don't think that mindset will last very long tho. He isn't a patient man.

I'm in the bed just thinking when i hear a knock, shit i changed into just a bra and undies both like blue laced sets. "Ummm who is it?" I say hurriedly "it's me I want to talk to you" I walk over towards the door biting my lip. What could he want to talk about? I open the door and meet his intense gaze. He licks his bottom lip seductively when he sees me, I suddenly come to the realization that I didn't even try to cover up. I'm sure I got a deep red color on my cheeks, he shakes his head a bit and meets my gaze.

" May I come in?" I slightly sigh at his words, I don't want a repeat of last time.

"I don't see why not"

And with that he walks into the room closing the door behind him, his strong figure fills a room, I almost feel claustrophobic. I quickly go to the bed and cover myself with the covers. He watches me intensely as I do so.

"Evangeline... we are getting married tomorrow" I almost laughed.

"I hadn't noticed" I wait for his expression to change but its still somewhat serious
"Sorry" I cough.

"I know that this wasn't planned and that you don't want this but.. You're not going anywhere, you're stuck with me, you aren't allowed to be with anyone but me and if I find out there is another man in your life..." He shakes his head abruptly attempting to get the thought out of his head.

"If i find another" i ask softly biting the bottom corner of my lip. His stare is so loud in the silence that when he speaks he almost startles me.

"You will be responsible for the death of that man Evangeline" his response is calm but a certain danger lurks in his voice and tone, I know he isn't lying. his eyes find a way towards my chest, I follow his gaze and see the covers are no longer hiding them.

"Zane?"his eyes meet mine again, a certain impatience waits in their dark pools.

"I'll try... I'll try to make this work"

His face softens ever so slightly before I speak again.

"But..." he looks at me intrigued and surprisingly concerned. I bring my bottom lip between my teeth again as I pull away my gaze. His hand reaches out to my cheeks brushing away the hair that falls in front of my eyes.

"Anything you want, Evangeline just say the words. I'll make it happen"

My eyes meet his gaze again.

"But, we do this on my terms" a smirk falls soon on his soft lips.

"Mia cara from tomorrow you will belong to me as I belong to you" I chuckle.

"You have only now decided that?"

"No, I just thought it might bring you somewhat a feeling of ease. You have always belonged to me."

"I don't belong to you" I said, rolling my eyes. He licks his lip painfully slowly.

"What did I say about rolling your eyes?" He quickly leaps toward me catching me off guard, my hands pinned above my head and his body resting on mine his face hovers inches away from my own and a fire burns in his lustful eyes.

"Tomorrow night, you will find out what happens when you roll those beautiful eyes of yours" his free hand brushes my cheeks then rests his thumb on my bottom lip.

"You make me lose control" I'm so flustered that I can't even respond. My breaths and heart beat paces rapidly. He swallows then closes his eyes scrunching his face.

"Before we get married i want to know one thing" he opens his eyes almost as if he knows what i'm about to ask him.

"The scars... on your back what...what happened?" I stuttered , scared that he would snap.

Zane draws in a long breath "The man that took me in had many traits Evangeline, but mercy? It was not one of them" he said matter of factly.

"He did this to you? And you still respect him?" tears almost well in my eyes.

"Respect is one thing, love? And kindness was something unknown to him. He made me the man I am today. Even if he had to beat me into the shape he wanted." he said with a scoff.

"Can.. Can I see them?" I never saw his scars, I've only ever touched them, I don't know where my sudden bravery came from but I wanted to know more than anything. Last time I went past the invisible line that he had drawn and I saw a side of him that made me fear him. But in those moments a flash of hurt and the past flashed through his eyes, that is the reason I forgave him for what he had done..

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