Chapter 4: Clash with the Black Mage

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As the Smash Legends approached the Abyssal Castle, a dark shadow fell over the land. The air grew thick with tension, and a sense of foreboding hung in the air. It was here, on the outskirts of the castle, that they encountered their first obstacle, Black Mage from Final Fantasy.

The Black Mage has had a consistent appearance across all ports of Final Fantasy. They wear long blue robes with loose sleeves and a pointed yellow hat. Their face is obscured with only two yellow eyes visible within the shadows of their hat.

By the help of his team with Dr. Cozy beside him, Hanzo Sakurai, fueled by his newfound powers and resolve, faced the Black Mage head on with swift movements and precise strikes, he countered the mage's spells, each clash resonating with the echoes of their respective worlds. But the Black Mage was a formidable opponent, his mastery of dark magic posing a relentless challenge.

As the battle raged on, Hanzo's thoughts turned to his next move. Drawing upon his training and instincts, he unleashed the full force of his ninjutsu techniques and the pink ball of explosion. The combined power of his abilities sent shockwaves rippling through the battlefield, pushing back the Black Mage and turning the tide of the battle in the Smash Legends' favor.

But just as victory seemed within reach, the Black Mage unleashed a final, devastating spell of an inferno of dark flames that threatened to consume everything in its path. With the Smash Legends' backs against the wall, Hanzo knew that he needed to tap into his inner strength like never before.

In a moment of clarity, Hanzo remembered the elemental emblems a trio of ancient artifacts said to harness the power of fire, ice, and lightning. Drawing upon the knowledge passed down through generations, Hanzo focused his thoughts, summoning the elemental emblems to his side. By the thoughts of him, he got an expectation from these three elemental emblems to convert it into an artifical bracelet, also known as the "Bracelet of Freedom".

With a flash of light, the emblems materialized before Hanzo, each pulsating with elemental energy. Without hesitation, Hanzo reached out and grasped the emblems, feeling their power surge through him. Fire, ice, and lightning danced around him, intertwining and merging into a single, unstoppable force.

With the combined power of the elemental emblems at his command, Hanzo unleashed a torrent of elemental energy upon the Black Mage, overwhelming him in a blaze of fire, ice, and lightning. The sorcerer's dark magic faltered, unable to withstand the onslaught of Hanzo's newfound power.

With his newfound powers and the unwavering support of his fellow Smash Legends, where the fate of the multiverse would be decided once and for all. And as for Hanzo Sakurai, the ninja warrior, stepped forward to lead his allies into battle, he knew that the true test of his strength and courage was yet to come until he reached his limits of becoming the 7th smash legend as the member of the Smash Legends.

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