Chapter Twenty

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When Alexia woke up with the space beside her in bed empty she knew Jay had gone.
She knew last nights antics were different they were Jays way of saying goodbye.
The intimacy didn't feel off at all just incredibly different it felt softer more loving, even the pleasure felt different.
When she walked into breakfast she was met with concerned faces but over hurried Alba.
"Hermana she's gone hasn't she?", "Si Ale, I saw her leave at about 4am she is going to sort herself out" whispered Alba.
Alexia nodded and grumbled, the mood at breakfast was tense and Alexia didn't add to any conversation.
Mapi appeared angry but Lucy tried to explain that Jay needed space to cool off and that when she gets like that nothing can stop her.
Alexia listened but was so far in her own head she felt the overwhelming sadness take over.
Retreating to her bedroom Alexia tried to call Jay but her phone was off, she laid down tears now streaming down her cheeks.
She wasn't mad at all she was sad, she got it she knew Jay had problems and she was always there to support her.

Meanwhile Jay had booked herself into a retreat that was planned for two weeks to help establish her reasons behind her behaviour and how to stop it. Alexia wouldn't know this but Jay felt like if she continued with her life the way it was she would break her heart. So she booked herself in and handed her phone over for the two weeks not being allowed it until she had completed the course.

The first week was the most difficult, Alexia tried contacting Jay but there was no answer, nobody knew where she was it was like she had disappeared off the face of the earth. By the second week Alexia had started to get angry, she didn't deserve to be ignored she hadn't done anything wrong.
She channelled her energy into her rehab and ghosted everyone she didn't want contact with.
She even moved back into her mothers so she wasn't alone, Eli could see her daughter was hurting but had also heard Albas version of events so half understood the situation.
Jay meantime was progressing well and after several breakdowns had hit new milestones and was likely to leave after two weeks.
She craved Alexia like she had never before and tears fell from her eyes at every thought of her, she knew it was going to be difficult to get her back and she knew she had hurt her. But what she truly knew was that if she didn't sort herself out she would ruin their relationship for good.

At the end of the two weeks Jay was allowed to leave she made her way to her own apartment immediately closing the curtains so Alexia couldn't see she was home. Turning her phone on she was inundated with messages mainly from Alexia and it broke her heart she decided to leave it until she saw her in person, no text was ever going to explain why she left and where she had been she had to see her in person.
While Jay was away she worked out a lot and was in the best shape of her life. Her room mate added several tattoos to her already growing collection. Several new Alexia tattoos were added including 'Mi Amor' written in red along her throat, Mapi would probably like it.
The next day she got up early and made her way to the training ground she knew it was the first team players day off.
After working out she showered grabbed her laptop and made her way to the canteen to have breakfast.
Several of the Barca b team were there and they almost went silent when Jay walked in, headphones shoved in her ears as she grabbed water and fruit and made her way to the table to eat in peace.
Jay could feel people staring and felt uncomfortable, she deserved the looks she had after all abandoned Alexia and felt really bad about it.

Alexia had looked at her phone, seeing her messages now delivered to Jays phone she felt a bit of relief, but felt sad again. There was already a night out arranged for Albas birthday so that was what her plans were tonight.
A knock on Eli's door thankfully came at the time Alexia was out having coffee, Eli watched as the black Mercedes that had delivered it drove off down the street. It was delivered to Alba so she called her and she came down the stairs.
Upon opening the present she immediately knew who it was from, it was a bouquet of candy floss flowers with a photo of Jay and Alba at the fair with Jay in her 'I'm with stupid' tshirt. It made her laugh she hadn't forgot her birthday after all.
Meanwhile Alexia got a ring doorbell notification and clicked on it and almost jumped at seeing Jays face delivering a gift. Her heart rate immediately increased and she felt a wave of sadness come over her.
Jay was back but was yet to reach out.
Lucy's phone rang at the coffee shop and she tried to excuse herself but it was too late Alexia saw that beautiful face light up on Lucy's contact screen and again felt her stomach drop.

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