Chapter Four

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"Amor talk to me what has happened, why is Jay no longer your therapist?".
"She doesn't care, clearly!".
"That's not true, you know she is doing this from the goodness of her own heart".
"Madre she is being paid to do this, I'm just another client just another cheque to cash in".
"Mi Nina she asked us not to disclose this but I think it's very important".
"What is it?" Alexia asks coming up from behind the blanket eyes puffy and mascara now down her cheeks.
"She isn't being paid for your rehab, she is doing this for free. She is a big fan of yours and quite frankly she doesn't need the money".
Alexia sat silently for a second "wait she is doing this for free?".
"Si" Eli mumbles.
Alexia was gobsmacked, "but why?".
"She loves to watch you play, you're her favourite player, she can no longer play so she wants to help you".
"Why can she no longer play? What happened?".
"It's not my place to say but she has had some awful things happen to her which I'm sure she will tell you in good time".
Alexia felt sick, Jay was just trying to help her she had messed up again.
"I've messed up..".
"Are you going to tell me what happened so I can help your sort this?".
Alexia paused for a moment and thought long and hard about telling her mother but deciding she would need to sort this herself like an adult.
"I'm having relationship issues and I took it out on Jay. I will apologise tomorrow".
"Ale, she won't be here tomorrow she is going back to England temporarily".
"Wait what?".
"Si" Eli looked defeated, she liked Jay and had seen a really improvement in Alexias mood and rehabilitation so this was a hard one to take.
"Why did she ask for no payment?".
"Honestly Ale she doesn't need the money she got a hefty pay out a few years back".
"Not my place to say, she will tell you eventually I know it".

Eli left Alexia to her thoughts whilst she made tea.
Alexia had two predicaments, how she was going to confront Olga and how she would redeem herself with Jay.
Right on cue a stumbling Olga enters the apartment "hola Bebe I'm home".
Flinging herself on the sofa no regard for Alexias still healing knee that was propped up with ice on it.
"Hola Bonita, where have you been?".
"With a client Ale you know that".
Alexia took a deep look in Olgas eyes they were pinned she was high on some sort of substance, she didn't want her mother to see her like this so she ushered her to the bedroom and made her take a shower.
"Ale is Olga back?".
"Si mami she's had a long day with clients so she's got straight in the shower".
"Mhm" Eli nodded but knew her daughter was lying.
Shortly after the shower stopped running Eli decided to leave her daughter to confront her own girlfriend knowing her disapproval wasn't appropriate right now.

Alexia said goodbye to her mother and limped towards the bedroom where Olga practically threw herself at her.
"Olga no!".
Olgas face immediately turned sour, "seriously Ale? What is wrong with you?".
"You've taken drugs and I have to give samples for drug testing".
Olga looked offended immediately denying it.
"Jay said that did she?".
Alexia didn't answer instead shuffles her feet together awkwardly.
"Well did she tell you she tried to kiss me tonight?".
"I knew she wouldn't tell you that part" Olga grinned.
Alexias mind was blown.
"Come on Ale you've seen the amount of girls she takes to her place".
Alexia thought about it for a second, Jay did come back early home alone for the first time since she'd known her.
"I think you need to fire her" was the latest comment coming out of Olgas bitter mouth.
"She's already quit" Alexia replied slumping on the end of the bed, Olga immediately wrapping her arms around Alexias neck.
"Olga no, we're not doing that you have taken drugs I know it! I can see your eyes".
"Ale if I didn't I wouldn't have got the contract, sometimes I have to do these things".
"What contract?".
Olga didn't have an answer, she didn't expect to be questioned quite so intently.
"What is with all the questions, can we just go to bed" Alexia gave up she knew the truth deep down but was so done with the day, infact she was so done with how her life was at the moment that she felt stuck. She slipped some pyjamas on and slept in the spare room that night, not that Olga noticed she was too busy draped right the way across the bed in the main bedroom when Alexia returned.

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