What If Series: Chapter 5

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What if Percy didn't die?


Percy intertwined water and fire as they circled around him. Light filling the area around him from his powers.

Order was standing in front of him smiling like a fool.

"Now, now Perseus. You left before I was finished with you." He tisked darkly.

Percy steadied his breathing. He tried to avoid Order all together but he couldn't find the others.

Order disappeared and was soon on top of the demigod.

Percy expertly dodged many attacks and managed to land multiple hits on Order instead but he was slowing down. Order growled as the demigod landed a hit with one of his swords across his arm.

They locked swords and Percy managed to disarm him with Luke's infamous technique but Percy was caught off guard as Order stepped close and grabbed his arm and twisted with dangerous speed.

His shoulder instantly dislocated, one sword now on the ground as a mild protest to the pain escaped him. He was running dangerously low on energy now. He tried to clear the tears and black spots clouding his vision as Order punched him in the face.

Order threw another punch, faster than the last, into Percy's diaphragm. All breath left his lungs as he doubled over. He couldn't breath.

The darkness around the two beings lifted slightly and he could hear others fighting. He felt his shoulder pop back into place thanks to his healing abilities. As he glanced up his eyes widened.

A dagger Percy recognized all to well appeared in Order's hand. It was larger than the others, the blade itself longer and deadly.

Still bent over, Percy took a step back.

"I saved the last one for this moment. To ensure my victory." He seethed out.

Percy coughed as air began filling his lungs again.

Order proceeded to grab hold of the demigods armor, pulling him forward towards the ground and brought the dagger up at the same time. In the last second, Percy jerked to the side trying to avoid the blade. 

He cried out as the blade sank into shoulder, tip sticking out of his back. It barely missed his heart and was almost the exact same spot of his previous encounter with this type of blade. Reopening some of the freshly healed wound was almost worse as pain coursed through his arm and back. He thrusted his wings in an attempt to pull away but Order only tightened his grip on him. He screamed as Order twisted the blade, preparing to try again.

"I've had enough of your antics little demigod." Order hissed viciously.

Percy felt the power before it hit. A powerful beam of energy hit Order, blasting him through the trees and branches. Chaos stood at a distance away, radiating anger and destroying the dark mists clouding the area.

The force of Order's grip on him from the hit made Percy lose his balance. He groaned in pain as his knees hit the ground, trying to keep himself upright. He heard his name being called but it sounded all wrong.

"Percy!" Luke skidded on his knees next to his friend. Luke instantly recognized the blade before grabbing it and pulling it out. Percy couldn't help but cry out again. 

Luke instantly called Chaos' name. He was there not a second later, analyzing the situation. He took the blade from Luke, destroying it before bending down to Percy. "Your energy levels are way to low. You need to go rest for a bit before joining us okay?" He didn't wait for a response before focusing like he did before, eliminating any remnants of the blade inside him. 

Order was quickly approaching the trio as Chaos turned towards him, sword appearing and attacking. The two quickly engaged in a deadly dance, Chaos purposely pushing further and further away from his commanders. 

Luke watched anxiously as the wound began to slowly mend itself. Percy sat there catching his breath. "Perce you okay?"

"I'm kind of tired of everyone trying to stab me with something."

Luke smirked before helping him to his feet. "Yeah, me to. I almost had a heart attack when I heard you scream like that." Looking at his brother he noticed how pale he was getting and he looked worn out. "Come on. Chaos said you need to go to the medic tent for a short bit. You already pushed yourself too far." 

Percy didn't respond. He wasn't even looking at Luke. His eyes seemed unfocused and hazey. 

"Perce? Hey, can you hear me?! What's wrong?"


Luke began to panic. "Come on Percy, snap out of it!" Before Luke could call Chaos to come transport them away Percy sucked in a hard breath, blinking to clear his sight. 


"I'm fine. I'll explain later." His tone turning serious. He met Luke's gaze, "I know how to defeat Order."

"What?! What do you mean?! You don't enough energy for anything right now. Stop."

Percy ignored him, taking to the sky with his wings. Straight for the enemy.

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