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Donghyuck couldn't wait to leave the hospital, it was suffocating even when it was only one night but he did his best to behaive and not cause a problem for the workers there and he even made some friends like nurse lia and he Introduced her to Mark saying she is also canadian, not like donghyuck he was a Little awkward when it comes to meet new people.
"let me walk you out " she offered and took donghyuck's small bag. Mark noticed that his friend was really talkative With the nurse, he made silly jokes and told her stories about him and Mark when they were in highschool, she responed really well as if it was a task to listen to the patient.
"i saw on your File that you are not married but why are you wearing that ?" she asked pointing at his wedding ring.
Donghyuck narrowed his eyes and Looked at his hand, "oh, this..? My mom gave me this she said it's her father's and it's the most precious thing in her life and she wanted me to have it ".
"aww, she must such a sweet woman " exclaim the nurse putting her hands on her chest making donghyuck laugh
"not really, she is tough but her nice side sometimes slips, she is a doctor btw maybe one day you will work at the same hospital who knows" .
Mark was petrified, it happend again! The way donghyuck talks about his mother in present tense Just creeped the hell out of him though it was the second time Mark couldn't believe that the younger actually said what he said and for the second time he blamed himself thinking that he was hearing things, again. Cause he could never believe that donghyuck forgot that his mother commit a suicide Just 4 days ago.
"here we are" said the nurse when they reached the main gate, she handed Mark donghyuck's bag and turned to donghyuck "take good care of your health mr Lee"
" Thank you so much" said donghyuck and held both of her hands making her blush a Little .
"alright let's go" said Mark and pulled the younger away from the nurse.

That Day Mark kept thinking about the doctor's words, should he take donghyuck to a psychiatrist? But why when he was alright expect for the fact that he acted like forgot about his mother . In The end he decided to search for a good doctor but he didn't want to do it without donghyuck's knowledge but he had no idea how to say it. He also didn't know if he should call donghyuck's brother or not.
a sound of Muffled sobs cut off Mark's thoughts, he went straight to donghyuck's room and knocked "hey are you ok?" he asked but the younger didn't answer him,he turned the door's lock to see if it's locked or not, for his relief it wasn't.
"Donghyuck i'm coming in" he said and opened the door to see the younger balling on his bed under the blanket, maybe to avoid Mark .
"what happend?" he said and tried to pull the blanket away but donghyuck was holding on it With all his strength.
"nothing" he mumbled from under the blanket.
"then why are you crying? Don't try to say you are not cause i heard it"
Donghyuck gave in and uncovered his face. "i don't know why exactly i just feel a Little .. overwhelmed i guess? gosh this is embrassing" he said pulling on his bangs to cover his wet eyes.
"i know a place that will make you feel better, wanna go? " asked Mark softly and sat on donghyuck's bed.
"i don't feel like it"
"then how about watching a movie? Or should we play a video game"
"no, i will Just go make us a meal " said donghyuck Just to stop Mark from suggesting random things to make him feel better , he didn't want this kind of treatment from the older, Donghyuck was well aware of Mark's affection towards him, the older was making it obvious sometimes even when donghyuck made it clear that he wants no romantic relationship With Mark he didn't lose hope and in 10 years Donghyuck received 2 confessions from Mark, he was grateful and that was all for him.
even when Mark got 2 rejection he still stayed by donghyuck's side Just like a reliable friend who gets betrayed by his soft words or actions sometimes.
"well Do that, i'm going out so no need to Make something for me " said Mark and stood up from the bed first to leave the room.
Mark decided to contact donghyuck's brother, even when the brothers were not really on good terms they were still a family.

Hello namhyuck hyung this Mark Lee, it's been a while.
Excuse me for contacting you so suddenly, i know you are a busy person but i need to talk to you in the soonest time possible, hmu whenever you are can .
Also i'm so sorry for you loss.

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