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Donghyuck caused a lot of mess after one of  the doctors told him that he was in the closed unit in a mental hospital.
He couldn't understand why and how he ended up being there .
Every single memory of him trying to commit suicide was  totally vanished from his head. He couldn't remember how did he get the wounds on his wrist.

"listen to me miss i need to talk to dr Lee jeno please i want to understand what's going on here ". He said to the nurse who was cleaning his wrist.

"mr Lee i will ask you to be a Little more patient cause he is not here now but you will see him first thing in the morning" she said kindly.

Donghyuck couldn't stand her and her sweet way of talking. He pulled away his hand from her girp before she could bandage the wound. Scoffed and looked at her in disbelief.

"i heard his voice like 2 minutes ago" he Said With a raised eyebrow.
The nurse tried to take his arm again to do her job but the moment she held donghyuck's arm was when he exploded.

"don't touch me!" he shouted kicked her until so hard she fell on teen ground .
the young girl who was one of donghyuck's roomates got so scared by donghyuck's sudden roughness and yelling she covered her ears and started Crying hysterically.
The sounds were too loud and it didn't take a minute for the nurses and some doctors to run to the room. Other patients started to come to donghyuck's room and see what was going on.
Is was obvious that donghyuck was the threat at that moment, he was the only one who didn't see that way.

"i want to talk to dr Lee jeno right now!" yelled donghyuck again.

" ms seo take everyone to their rooms there is no to watch here " said one of the doctors and then gave his attention to donghyuck.
"please calm down mr Lee" he said in a polite way.

"i Am calm can i talk to him now?" said donghyuck gritting on his teeth to stop himself from yelling and To apear a Little calmer than before.

"i will see what i can do" said the doctor after a few second of observing donghyuck.
The latter nodded and sat calmly waiting for they doctor to bring jeno, he had so many questions that needed answers.
unfortunately donghyuck was told again that jeno had already left and this time he could do nothing but wait for the next Day.
The nurse that donghyuck had hit came to see him in the morning and god how he hated to see her this early.

"mr Lee i have to take you see dr Lee jeno now, are you ready?" she said giving donghyuck a big smile, he rolled His eyes and then nodded.
On the way to see jeno donghyuck observed every corner of the hospital, he kind of liked the washed pink walls and the trees in every corner, it was somehow relaxing him.

" we are here" said the nurse and opened on door and told donghyuck to go inside.
The room was different than the rest of the hospital, it had White almost gray walls and it had no trees or plants at all. He felt like he was there for investigation.

"mr Lee please have a seat" saif jeno when he saw donghyuck by the door.
The latter hated how jeno suddenly started calling him Mister. It was too serious.
He sat on the chair facing  jeno and crossed his arms.

"so should i call you doctor Lee even when it's only the two of us in here?" asked donghyuck rather seriously.

"If you want to".

"why am i here?" asked donghyuck going straight to the point.

" i heard you you cause a Little mess Last might mr Lee, would you like to tell me what happend? " asked jeno dressing donghyuck formally again.

"that nurse wouldn't let me talk to you so i got mad ".

"so how are feeling?".

"i feel alright, May i know how did i get here?" asked donghyuck going straight to the point.

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