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Donghyuck's recent social activities were draining his energy. Day by day it was getting harder and harder for him to socialise.
Donghyuck always thought that no matter what happens in his life he will keep teaching and doing music, he felt music is what keeping him alive, but now his heart was changing, he didn't feel joy when he play Piano, he Doesn't feel any pride when he is teaching kids how to play it, Day by Day it was getting meaningless.
His relationship With Mark wasn't the same after he told Mark to wait for him, cause Mark was doing everything but waiting.
Ever since that day he changed his way in treating Donghyuck, he was being all soft and gentle, sometimes he randomly Flirt With Donghyuck or hold his hand, The latter hated it but couldn't say anything specially when Mark was being extar nice to him.
Mark thought he was pulling donghyuck closer this way but it was completely the opposite, he was pushing him away further and further.

"i saw this on my way back, it looks like you i couldn't help but buy it" said Mark showing Donghyuck the teddy bear he bought. This kind of things was happening a lot recently, Mark would Just barge in Donghyuck's house holding cute things and telling Donghyuck that they Look like him.
Donghyuck felt like Mark was torturing him With these conversations and toyes.

"i told you not to do that again" said donghyuck With annoyance.

"you hate it that much?" asked Mark sounding offended and hurt.

"Yes! I hate it so much" replied donghyuck coldly without sparing Mark a glance. But even when he wasn't looking straight at Mark he could see how the older threw the stuffed animal on the ground.

"for how Long will you keep me waiting" asked Market out of the blue making donghyuck looking at him finally.
"it's been a month now, are you planning on keeping me waiting longer?"

"Mark pleas__

" at least tell me what's stopping you cause as much as i can see you Just got nothing that could hold you back " said Mark calmly when he was standing behind the sofa donghyuck was sitting on.

" you can't see everything "

" care to show me? "

"hyung please listen to me" said donghyuck and walked to Mark, he put his hands on Mark's shoulders and Looked at him in the eyes, "i will be lying if i said i'm ready right now, i know it's been a month but what can i even do? I don't wanna hurt you Mark, i want to be in a healthy relationship With you but if we start it now it will be way far from healthy cause i'm not healthy myself".
Mark's eyes got teary when he was looking at donghyuck he then burst into tears, Donghyuck pulled him into a hug "what a Crybaby" he said and patted Mark's back.
It Mark sometime to calm down and when he did he pulled himself out of donghyuck embrace and Looked seriously at donghyuck.
"I'm going to Japan, for business".

"oh, when? For How long will you be gone? Asked donghyuck.

" next week and it's for a while, i'm being transferred".
Every work Mark said dropped on donghyuck like a thunderbolt, he didn't know what to feel at that moment.

"T-that is.. Wow, why didn't you tell me before? Why now?" asked donghyuck dumbfounded.

"i wanted to make sure everything was going ready and then tell you, i bought two tickets and i want you to go With me".

"That's not how things work Mark, i have my own life two i have my commitments" even when donghyuck was angry he tried to suppress it to have a real talk With Mark.

"i didn't tell you cause i wasn't going to accept it but  then you __ remember what you told me the day before yesterday? You said you want to start your whole life over donghyuck, remember?" asked Mark, he sensed that donghyuck will not agree to this and he was starting to regret saying it and maybe he regret accepting the promotion.

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