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2 Days  has passed since jeno found Donghyuck bleeding in his bathroom, after calling the ambulance and taking Donghyuck to the hospital jeno couldn't leave , not when he knew that donghyuck lost a lot of Blood and was still unconscious.
Jeno was beating himself up With regret and blame, he felt like what happend to donghyuck was his fully his fault, only if he didn't visit donghyuck or told him to wash up, none of that would have happen.

"He lost a lot of Blood but hopefully he is out of the danger zone, let's wait patiently for him to wake up, also he obviously tried to commit suicide so we shouldn't Just let him out, we need the form to be signed to keep him for hospitalization" said jaemin  .

"what should i do?" asked jeno despondently.

"jeno i will tell you this one more time, it's really not your fault in fact you saved his life if not of you something bad could have happen but because you were ther___

" because i was there he went to that darn bathroom jaemin! I appreciate your effort but please stop telling me this crap and give me a factual answer"

"alright" said jeno and took a deep breathe, jeno was being rude but it wasn't the time for pointing that out he thought "call Mark and ask for donghyuck's brother number,if he has it, tell the brother the whole thing and hopefully he will come " said jaemin finally.

"Thanks, call me if he woke up " said jeno and left the jaemin's office.
At that moments jaemin had mixed and confused feelings, even when he didn't want to admit it he was kind of jealous of how jeno was giving all his attention to donghyuck, he wasn't no longer in love With jeno but there was still something.
He remembed how he left jeno for renjun and how jeno told him once that he will keep loving him unrequitedly until one day he moves on his own.
"not today, not in a week and probably not in a month but i'm in no rush, when i move on i move on " said jeno that day.

"won't it hurt you to see me with renjun? You know since we decided to remain friends"

" it will, but you don't have to worry about that".

The firts time jeno had met renjun he reacted in a very interesting way, he was friendly and sweet With renjun as if he wasn't the one who stole his boyfriend.

"so you study music! That's honestly so beautiful" said jeno and shared The story of his highschool crush to renjun and how well the boy played Piano , he didn't think that would bother jaemin at all, jaemin himself didn't know that the mention of his highschool friend would make him uneasy,he didn't interrupt though and listened to the story that he already know.
The more jeno was talking about donghyuck to renjun the more upset jaemin got, jeno was talking about donghyuck With enthusiasm and adoration in his eyes.
AS much as jaemin was upset the night he didn't show it when his boyfriend was next to him.

"in all our years together i have never seen you talking about me with these eyes" said jaemin when renjun excused himself to go the restroom.

"what eyes?" asked jeno while taking a sip of wine.

"those sparkling Full of love eyes"

"what are talking abou__

" Did you even love me? "

" of course i did! What have gotten to you? You cheated on me then broke up With me and then here you are asking stupid doubtful questions when you already have a boyfriend " said jeno unbothered.

" i Just want to know  if  i wasted all these years in a one sided love"

"Yes! i loved you jaemin "

"clearly not as much as you loved donghyuck" Said jaemin bitterly

"where the hell is this all coming from? "

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