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Donghyuck had to call jeno right after he hung up Just to cancel the session that jeno suggested, something about it was not right and he found Jeno's insisting questionable, he knew that jeno was trying to be a real help but he didn't like how he was pressuring him, if he didn't want it then it should be it.

The next Morning he didn't feel like he want to go to today work or do anything at all, he was feeling this massive impassiveness quite much recently but he always force himself to get up and do something.
This day was different Though, he didn't want to force himself, he Just wanted to stay in bed for the whole day. He was Just too exhausted.
He didn't call his work place to take a sick day, he suddenly got reckless about it.
So what if i didn't show up without calling he thought to himself and pulled the covers on his face.
A Day passed then two then two weeka and donghyuck wasn't getting any better, he wouldn't take the calls from his co_workers  or jeno and even from Mark who was calling him the most out of all people,and out of all people donghyuck hated his calls the most,cause Mark had already left to Japan.
Donghyuck knew that Mark was suppose to move to Japan but he didn't think it would actually happen and Mark would actually leave.
Mark came the day before he leave to see donghyuck, he said that he will try to come back as soon as he can.
"you were the one who asked me to wait at first now i'm the one who's asking you, how ironic" With eyes filled with sorrow said Mark.
Now that Mark was gone for a whole week donghyuck couldn't take it, at first he used to pick up his phone and talk to Mark in the wonted way they usually talk,until he got tired of it, it was too much for him when Mark ends the call With a "bye" instead of "i will see you tomorrow" or "tomorrow let's have lunch together".


"jeno give it up already" said jaemin when he saw his ex boyfriend was trying to call Donghyuck for the tenth time.
Jeno was trying to call donghyuck for days but the latter won't even text him.

"i can't do that, i think something is wrong" said jeno nervously biting his nails making the couple laugh.

"what make you think so"

"it's a hunch".

"that makes absolutely no sense, maybe he Just got tired of you and your weird ways in approaching" said jaemin With a shrug.

"no i think he is kind of right, when i Last met him he was saying weird things" said renjun making both jeno and jaemin focus on him.

"things like what?" asked jeno and jaemin at the same time.

"he was repeating things like he wants to quit and rest for a while, he told me he might be losing his passion, but he said it as a joke and we laughed so i don't know if there is something serious going on With him ". Said renjun confusing jaemin and jeno even more when he said he said what he said jokingly.

" who Doesn't say that once in a while? I say this all the time, life is not easy he is hella busy person so that's just a very normal thing to say, right?" asked jaemin looking at jeno and renjun waiting for backing, renjun Looked convinced.
" jaemin is right, i have been through something like this back in highschool " shared renjun.
Jeno though wasn't convinced at all. His head was getting Hot of how much he was overthinking donghyuck's two weeks disappearance.

"maybe you should pay him a visti, check on him yourself " said jaemin when he noticed how jeno was spacing out.

"that's too much, he will definitely think of you as a stallker or what if he is not home " said renjun honestly.

"it's the weeknd he would definitely be home, you two should go With me, renjun you work for him and jaemin you were good friends in highschool, please i'm desprate" pleaded jeno. This way it won't Look weird, Just three friends visting their friend.

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