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Jeno was stressed out about how should he talk to donghyuck about his incident since the latter was obviously avoiding talking about it.
It's wasn't a new thing for jeno to talk to a patient about their committing  suicide experience but it was hard when it came to donghyuck, he couldn't Look at his beautiful eyes and talk about such a painful thing.

"so did you find his dad?" asked jaemin when he approached jeno in the hospital's hallway.

"yes, poor man cried a lot".

Ever since donghyuck talked about his father With jeno the latter couldn't take the idea of finding mr Lee and talk to him away from his head. It wasn't so hard to find him, the father lived in the same city and never really moved out of the buliding donghyuck talked about.
Jeno didn't want to know how would donghyuck react to this but if the result of it is a proper treatment for donghyuck, he must give it a shot.

"what do you think is wrong With donghyuck?" asked jaemin out of curiosity.
Jeno didn't want to say anything before he  talk to donghyuck but even a blind person could guess that he was depressed.

"not sure yet, i need to go meet his father now excuse me". Said jeno and left.
Donghyuck's father agreed to signs the form that jeno could use to put donghyuck in the closed unit, unfortunately the patient had no clue about what was going on behind his back because jeno thought it's a good idea not tell him yet,jeno was so clear and honest With the father though. He shared everything he thought of with him

"i need to see him, doctor Lee"

"i'm afrai__

" please do me this favor, i can't afford to lose him twice ".
Seeing the father being so vulnerable and desprate made his heart ache, he was Just a man who wants to see his son, why shouldn't he let him.

" fine, but you can't say i brought you here Just say the hospital contacted you i don't want him to be mad at me" said jeno nervously crackle his fingers. Donghyuck's father put his hand on top of Jeno's and smiled lovingly.

"thank you " he said.

Jeno have never felt more nervous, the way to donghyuck's room seemed longer he felt like he was Walking forever. He didn't feel any better when they reached it though, he felt more nervous. He heard voices coming out of donghyuck's room, a lot of voices.
He opened the door wide open to know what was going on, sadly it was Just like the Last time, but this time conscious donghyuck and Blood dripping down on his fingers from his wrist. Jeno could never get used to watch such a horrible thing, he turned to donghyuck's dad, the man had both his eyes and mouth wide open while watching his son being harshly held down on the bed while he was doing all he could to let them go of him.

"mr park give him some him some downers already! He is badly injured we can't let him move like that!" shouted jaemin With the top of his lungs while he was trying to hold donghyuck With the other nurses.

"i can't! He keeps squirming! ".  Shouted the nurse. Someone suddenly snatched the
syringe from her hand and shot donghyuck right on his thigh.

"i had to interfere, you are so slow you shouldn't be working in this lives saving feild" said donghyuck's father to the nurse slightly galring at her.
Everyone in the room was shocked, not only that a complete outsider scolded mr park the loved nurse but also because he
injected donghyuck.

"what the hell is going on here, who the hell are you?" asked jaemin a Little bit angry.

"i don't believe it's time for Introduction dr..." said donghyuck's dad and narrowed his eyes trying to read the name tag on jaemin's caot. "dr. Lee".

"i asked who are you? If you don't answer me i will call the police, you can't Just brag in hospital's room and inject people!"
Jaemin lost and yelled at donghyuck's father, at that moment he didn't care about that guy's age.

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