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After visting the Hospital that day donghyuck decided to have a Little fun before going back to his house, a celebration that he was doing alright. He went to the nearest bar and had some drinks, remembering the doctor's words he told himself that it will be the Last time he gets drunk  or drink anything strong, he will start a new routine tomorrow.
He drank until he became tipsy  he could hardly call a cab.
What he didn't expect to see when he gets home was to see Mark sitting in his couch watching TV, he was no longer angry so he Just greeted Mark and headed to the kitchen.
"i almost forgot about giving you the spare key" he said when he came Back to the hall, holding couple of sodas.
"it was useful" chukled Mark.
Donghyuck fell down on the couch  next to Mark he took the remote control from The older's, canceled the sound and said :
"i want us to be friends for a really long time, don't be mad at me when i snap cause most of the time i don't mean what i say wen i'm angry" he Looked at Mark With teary eyes and siffled "hyung i hate myself when i get mad at you, you are so nice to me and yet i.. I-give you nothing but hard time, hyung don't you Just hate me sometimes?" he said and started to Cry already, Mark was taken aback, he would never guess even in a million years that donghyuck would Apologize first. He have been thinking about their Last argument a lot , he came to donghyuck's place to apolize cause he felt bad, seems like he wasn't the only one.
"come on let's go to your room" said Mark and tried to stand up but donghyuck clinged to his legs and started another Crying scene "no i want to sit here With you " he sobbed.
"alright i will Just sit" Said Mark in defeat and let donghyuck do whatever he wants, the younger made a space between him and Mark and then leaned his head on Mark thigh, seems like it was so comfortable he fell sleep. Seeing the younger sleeping on his thigh so peacefully didn't help him, specially when the younger didn't want to give him a chance, Mark leaned put a gentle kiss on the younger's cheek.
"Why are you so hard to read? " he whispered while touching donghyuck's hair.


"Is it fate? I mean i was wondering about how is his life now and Just days after i Meet him! ugh i Just don't understand" said jeno while staring at his phone.

"what do you mean?" asked jaemin and  peeked  to see what was his ex boyfriend looking at, it Looked like nothing but a phone number .

Jeno told him about meeting donghyuck but he never said where and how since that should be Just between the patient and the doctor.
Jaemin also told him that donghyuck was brought to the hospital he works at and told him how his highschool classmate lost his mother and pretty much everything he knew.
the way jeno was talking about donghyuck made jaemin laugh, he Looked so happy and excited.
"he called me sunbae and smile at me a lot ! Do you think he is single?"

"i don't know, shouldn't you ask him yourself? Since you have his number, his mother poisoned her self Just the Last week by the way i don't understand how he was so cheerful With you "

"wouldn't that be weird? Asking if he is single i mean " asked jeno purposlly ignoring jaemin's remake.

"i didn't tell you to ask him straightway, ask him out for a drink or something, have samll talks, open up about you current status and maybe he will open up too" shared jaemin a piece of advice.

"is that how you made renjun fall for you?" jeno couldn't help but ask deridingly.

"not really, he liked the Thrill of having a relationship With me behind your back and he was the one who made me fall , is this what you wanted to hear?"

Even when jeno was no longer in love With jaemin he still felt played, it's already been two years since jaemin broke up With him, he Just came and simply said:
" jeno i can't do this anymore, i have been leaving you hits everywhere but you are just not catching any, i'm cheating on you, have been for 6 months now also i'm moving out". Jeno wasn't suprised about the secret relationship, he knew about it, there is no way he wouldn't when he found jaemin a lot of times in the middle of the night talking on the phone in places Like the bathroom or the kitchen, sometimes he spent the night out and come home late the next day, All of that and jeno didn't say a word, he thought that was all temporal and jaemin would stop one day on his own, but he thought wrong cause jaemin chose the guy he was cheating With on his boyfriend.
Seeing how happy jaemin Looked ever since he left him gave jeno mixed feeling, he was angry yet relieved that they didn't cut ties and tried to be good friends again , sad but happy for jaemin who was talking about nothing but renjun all the time, he was even ready to quit his job and move to the states or canada Just to marry him.
Jeno understood that jaemin liked him, but not as much as he likes renjun, he wasn't okay With it at first but he learned to be. specially after meeting renjun, the boy was so pretty and sweet, and as much as he hates to admit it, he found them cute together.

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