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Donghyuck got a message from an old highschool friend telling him about the reunion and how they planned to arrange it Mutualy With their Seniors since the two batchs were so close back then, they used to have so many shared activities.
Donghyuck Decided to Go along With Mark to the meet their old friends, not because he wanted to go but he thought he could the distraction, a lot of things changed in his life in the passed fortnight, good Changes and depressing ones.
The day of the reunion came, at first Donghyuck chose a Black on Black outfit, it made him Look like he was  grieving, he liked the outfit but he didn't think it was suitable for the occasion. In the end he went for a dark blue jeans and a white T-shirt With a washed-out pink jacket.
While cheking himself in the mirror Donghyuck heard his door unlocking and after a minute he heard a nock on his room's door.
"be out in a minute" he said and gave himself one Last flirtatious Look and headed out. The moment his eye fell on Mark was the moment he frowned making Mark fidget a Little.
"You really!" scoffed donghyuck pointing his finger at Mark.
"what's wrong?" asked Mark bewildered.
"i was dressing exactly like that!" said donghyuck, He didn't expect Mark to wear Black outfit too.
"That's it?" asked Mark half relieved half confused.
"if you came Just 10 minutes earlier we could have went there wearing matching outfits, what a pity" pouted donghyuck making Mark laugh.
"and you said you want me to wait" smirked Mark.
"N-no! I didn't mean it like T-hat!" yelled donghyuck embarrassed and flustered at the same time.
"i am glad i have changed, we would have Looked like gangsters" said donghyuck to show that he was honestly glad that they don't dressed like each other.
"i am glad too, you Look cute in this pink jacket". Siad Mark playfully checking donghyuck out making him blush.
"w-whatever let's get going already" he stuttered and ran to the door and before he gets to open it he felt his phone vibrates in his pocket.
"oh it's hyung" he said and took the call right away.
Mark was confused, did donghyuck and his brother already made up? If yes why didn't he tell him anything.
"was that.. Namhyuck hyung? Asked Mark when the younger ended the call, Donghyuck turned to Mark and gave him an annoyed look. He didn't like to hear his brother’s name, specially from Mark.
" it's Jeno's hyung, he asked if i'm coming to the reunion "he shared the details of the call.

" i didn't know you we close "

" we are not, i met him Last week! Do you realise that we are still inside the house? Let's go i don't want to be the Last one to come" said donghyuck and headed out With Mark following behind.

Donghyuck was a Little nervous but the moment he stepped inside and saw how everyone welcomed them made him feel kind of relaxed. There wasn't a lot of people anyway.
They Looked happy to see them, specially jeno and xiaojun, the moment their eyes labded on Mark and donghyuck they went straight to them, talking and asking about randa things.
"hyuck do you remember that girl you had crush on? Lina! I have her phone number, i will give it to you " said xiaojun clapping his hands With enthusiasm.

" that was like 9 years ago!" laughed donghyuck awkwardly.

"so what? Message her and your old feelings will return before you know it" kept xiaojun encouraging donghyuck.

"don't be a stubborn he is clearly uneasy" said jeno saving donghyuck but only for a moment.

"so now that we know your type in girls, what about your type in guys" asked jeno
Unbothered by the looks his friends were giving him.

"seriously! You Are The one who's making him uneasy" yelled xiaojun waving his  hands in the air.
And Just like what xiaojun said, donghyuck got uncomfortable, not only by the questioning but also by the extra attention he was receiving, he felt like he was on a Stage. He didn't like it.

"am not! Am i, Donghyuck?" asked jeno looking at donghyuck who was glancing at Mark. The latter didn't say a word ever since this topic was touched.

"no! Of course not it's Just.. Aaa i don't know i have  dated different types of guys before, so i don't know and it's been a while anyway now all my crushs are celebs" laughed donghyuck hoping that he got the right answer and they would start talking about something else, sadly that didn't happen.

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