(DB/ Quaddrive) Mafia Shu Kurenai x Secret Agent Reader

154 20 6

Requested: Devil_girl2409

Thanks for the request^^. DB version and your age is 20, same goes to Shu.

(Y/S/A/N) = Your Secret Agent Name

Type of this story:
(💕 + 💞)

Enjoy to read!!


Murasaki's mansion
In the secret room,

(Reader's POV)

"Now, (Y/N). I have a mission for you."

"What is it, Mr. Wakiya?"

"Your mission is to investigate at the biggest company building called Kurenai Co." My eyes wide.

"What?! Why would I go to that dangerous mafia place?!"

"Because there's an illegal weapons at that company place and they even used it for attacking their enemies." I hummed.

"I see. You mean I go alone." Wakiya nodded in serious, yet sassiness.

"Yup, but no worries. Rantaro and Valt will be your secret partner when you were on the mission. After that, informed it to me as soon as possible."

"Yes, Mr. Wakiya."

"Oh and before that...."

Wakiya then took out our secret agent's weapon like small camera, ear pod and many things.

"You can used these things while you investigate at Kurenai Co., understand?"

"Understood." That sassy boss grins at me.

"Good. You may leave and make sure you won't get caught by the most dangerous mafia." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I know." 'Geez. He thinks I don't know how to stay my guard from him and how to work.'

I walked out from the secret room after taking my things (earpod, camera and (random weapon) ) and started my dangerous mission.

Wakiya had called them to be my parters in a secret way. As an agent, we must keep people safe and solve the case, including capturing our victim.

Back to present, I went to my dorm to take my weapon before I goes to that company but something that I forgot.

'But how? They will notice my appearance, the agent. Plus they already know who I am.' Then, an idea bulbed on the top of my head with a grins.

"I have an idea. I hope this will work."


Kurenai's Co.
In the lobby,

(Shu's POV)

After I'm dealing (or killing) my enemy's minions, I recently back in here, in my company along with Lane and Boa.

Two of them went to the restroom to heal themselves with a first aid kit. My mind only about my biggest enemy had gotten away.

That b*st*rd had become more stronger than ever and what worse is he had a strong weapon at Shirosagi's building.

As I'm thinking about my enemy, a pain came because I think too much. In my company, we had no a healer to treat my members had been injured.

But I don't trust any person who will become a healer and can't find the perfect one.

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now