You're Fired

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a/n: New chapter, also I forgot to mention this in the last chapter I got this story idea from a fan made comic, called A Night with Loona. where Moxxie cheats on Millie with Loona only for her to go on a rampage Once, she finds out. but I switched it up having her running away to earth. also, I'm changing it where Blitzo isn't dead.

After patching Millie's left arm, she was able to rest it a bit. y/n decided to order pizza for the both of them y/n then remembered that Monday Night Raw was coming in a bit. WWE was his favorite thing to watch. Y/n looks at Millie, who had Leo laying her head on her lap. She looks down at the dog with a smile. Y/n smiles to see how his dog loves the demon.

Y/n: You know that's the first time I've ever seen acting like that. Towards anyone.

Millie glances back, then back at the dog, and pets him on his head.

Millie: Really?

Y/n: Yeah, first it was me. But after a while, I gained his trust. But that just means he trusts you more. If he didn't, you would end up his favorite chew toy.

That gave Millie nightmares she was lucky the dog called out for y/n, or she would be a dead imp on earth.

Millie: Huh, I guess this guy doesn't let his guard down.

Y/n Than walked over and sat down next to Millie. She sighed sadly, thinking about what Moxxie and Loona did behind her back as y/n turned on the T.V. Just in time cause his favorite show was about to start. He then heard sniffling looks next to see Millie crying. As tears were strolling down her cheek y/n paused the show as it was the Brock vs. Paul Heyman.

He leans over, putting a hand on Millie's shoulder she looks up at him.

Y/n: Millie, what's wrong?

Millie: I just.. oh, I'll tell you in the morning.

Y/n knew that was a lie cause she was now balling up to her knees covering her face.

Y/n: * Damn poor Millie, she didn't need to go through that.*

Y/n decided to let her have her moment cause what this Moxxie did to Millie was fucked up. Cheating on her, she was a great wife in what throw it all away. Y/n played his favorite show as the fight began.

Y/n: There's no way Paul Heyman is going to win against Brock.

Millie glances at the T.V. to see two grown men fighting in a ring. As  Paul Heyman goes for a closeline but Brock stops it with his hand going for a chokeslam millie is awes at how amazing this is. She wipes her tears.

Millie: y/n what's this?

Y/n: Oh, it's WWE, the most awesome live-action show on Earth. I'm not sure if Hells heard about this. But if they did then their missing out.

Millie: * WWE, might as give it a try.*

She then watches it with him. What they didn't notice they were being too close, to where Millie's shoulder touched his as she was getting into this show as there was a female match Sasha Banks vs. Alexa Bliss.

Millie: * I never thought humans could be so good at entertainment.*

Just then, the doorbell rang, and y/n had a feeling it was the pizza guy. He opened it, and it was while Millie was confused. Who was at the door while Leo barked, excited to see a new person at the door while his tail wags?  Millie sees a text from Blitzo to see if she is all right she smiles to know her boss still cares about her which she forgot he was acting like him that day.

The imp and the human ( Human male reader X Millie) +18Where stories live. Discover now