nightmares and comforts

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A/n: New chapter enjoy.

During the night, Millie was tossing and turning trying to forget today's events it wasn't bad about Y/n meeting him was great it wasn't often a demon gets to meet a human who was sweet and kind to her giving her a roof to stay for the night while she calms down even helped her with her wound on her left arm. But tonight she was dreaming about walking into the room and seeing Moxxie and Loona just having sex, in her bed without her knowing they were doing it at first it was sweet but the ending was just messed up. talking in her sleep

Millie: NO! you bitch! you. You asshole! with her who treats you like shit! I know you guys don't. along well! but!

Leo's ears perked up, looked over to see Millie to see if she was not doing too well in her sleep as she was kicking the air due to the nightmare of Moxxie and Loona. She was growing tears. 

Millie: I trusted you both. Loona I know we don't see! eye to eye! but this!

Millie was growing in rage, Leo wanted to do something and his objection was to Bark loudly, but Millie wasn't responding, Leo had to get Y/n since Millie was having a nightmare, so he burst out of the room making the door too wide open seeing Y/n past out peacefully. until Leo jumped onto Y/n's stomach causing him to startle as he woke up.

Y/n: Leo, you need to go outside I thought I'd let you out before bed.

Leo knew Y/n couldn't understand him due to him being a human but Millie was in trouble well in her sleep, when he heard shouting.

Y/n: Millie?

He runs to the door after getting some pants and his comfy shirt on so she wouldn't get the wrong idea. He sees Millie hurting on the inside and can tell she is having a nightmare.. and it is 3 in the morning. He walks over to the bed and puts his hand on Millie's shoulder shaking her and trying to wake her up.

Y/n: Millie.. Millie.

Millie: No! Moxxie! don't leave me here with That bitch of a hellhound!

Y/n: Millie, you're having a nightmare whatever it is you're dreaming it's not real!

Millie: What..

Millie then gasps as she wakes up from the nightmare she was having sweating and breathing heavily, putting her hand to her chest having that awful nightmare, huffing and puffing. Y/n than rubbed her back she glanced at him seeing he was calming her down.

Y/n: You okay?

Millie: I don't know all of that felt so real to me, I mean this happened yesterday but.

Y/n: Like a repeat of seeing your coworkers having sex in your bed.

Millie: Exactly that.

Y/n than realize what he was doing backed off so she wouldn't get the wrong idea.

Y/n: Sorry.

Millie: No, no you can continue it helped.

Y/n: Umm You want me to get you some water.

Millie looks at Y/n slowly growing a smile at him.

Millie: I would like that thank you.

Y/n went out of his room to the kitchen as Leo got onto the bed and lay next to Millie making her confused about what was going on as Leo was really worried for her.

The imp and the human ( Human male reader X Millie) +18Where stories live. Discover now