The texas BBQ

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a/n: New chapter enjoy.

At the Store.

Y/n was sitting in the car nervous cause he was about to take Millie to the store but she was a demon and he didn't want her to get hurt, Then again he liked the help, looking for stuff that would look good for tonight. They both looked out the window, and he looked at Millie trying to come up with something made up about her.

Y/n: Okay. just in case you get caught, you're Halloween decoration.

Millie: You sure that's going to work, aren't we in August?

Y/n shrugged at that question.

Y/n: Let's just say people love to put out Halloween early for some reason, I don't know the real reason they do it, but Hey, they can go for it.

Millie: Well, if you say that works, it works.

Y/n: Now, get in the bag, little lady, or do I have to bend you over?

Millie knew he was playing. She leaned over to him. they both kissed as y/n grabbed her ass cheeks, making her moan.

Millie: Oh, someone's naughty, but I think you're going to have to.

Y/n chuckles as she unzips the backpack and gets in. Y/n looked at her ass and got sneaky smacks her ass causing her to yelp she liked it thought, and Millie chuckles.

Millie: You are so going to be on the bottom after the bbq

Y/n: Oh boy.

Y/n helps zip the backpack lucy for them it covered her horns and tail that way no one would expect a thing, he didn't zip it all the way so she could breath in it and see what they would need for the BBQ.

Y/n: alright lets do this.

Y/n walks over to the store with Millie riding his in his backpack peaked to see where they were going lucky for them it work everyone is minding ther business not caring if y/n had a backpack on. He looks down at the backpack with millie in it smirked. She poked her head out a bit where no one could see luck for them. No one is paying attention.

Y/n: Cool, now let's get the food for the BBQ.

Y/n walks down aisles looking for what they need drinks. Thank goodness the workers are just teenagers and stupid workers, so he's able to buy beer. Which he was at, he looked at around after getting it millie notices it sneaks a kiss to his cheek causing him to blush.

Millie: Nice going, but you're going to need a lot of beer cause loona likes to drink a lot.

Y/n: Thanks for the heads up. It's lucky for us that these workers are idiots.thats the other  well except when it comes to meat, which we'll need and corn. You guys do have corn down in hell, right?

Millie: fuck yeah, babe I corns the best in hell.

Y/n: Cool.

He went to the get the corn he then went to where they sell meat. He got a meant kebab, which millie nodded. She looked around to see humans with meat. Knowing they were going to eat well to night. As ue got burgers, briskets any type of food. Y/n looked at the basket. He also got soda just in case they're are non drinkers

Y/n: You think that's all.

Millie: mmm Yep.

They got to the check out when a little kid notices millie in his backpack.

Kid: is that a demon?

Y/n and Millie sweated, as they were just caught by the kid they noticed the mom wasn't paying attention.

The imp and the human ( Human male reader X Millie) +18Where stories live. Discover now