Meetings and apologies

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A/n: New chapter enjoy.

Morning has arrived, Y/n was the first one to slowly wake up he had to do morning chores before Millie's coworkers showed up he looked down to see Millie sleeping comfortably on his waist he smiled and rubbed her face a bit, she felt it softly smiles to his touched she slowly opens her eyes Y/n stops.

Millie: I didn't tell you to stop

Y/n chuckles.

Y/n: Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Millie: It's no problem at all.. So why are you getting up so early?

Y/n: Well. I've got to get my chores done before your boss and his coworker show up.

Y/n gets up from his bed, Millie looks to see how hard he works to take care of the farm, she had to admit it was hard for just one guy. Y/n enters the bathroom after taking his nondirty clothes to the bathroom to change. 

Millie: * Fuck, I know I'm a country girl and all, But seeing Y/n about to work the whole farm by himself. I helped my family when we were on the ranch but Y/n doesn't. mmm, there's got to be something.*

She then looks to see Y/n walking out of the bathroom with his cowboy hat on jeans, and cowboy boots.

Y/n: Alright see you when your boss gets here.

Millie felt bad that he had to do all of the farm work on his own she rubbed her chain, knowing what to do she got out of bed catches up to him.

Millie: wait, y/n,

Y/n glances back at her.

Y/n: you need something.

Millie: How about I help you with the farm?

Y/n was stunned no one had ever wanted to help him on the farm before and Millie was offering he looked at the farm and then back at Millie who smiling widely.

Y/n: you sure, it's.

Millie pats him on the hand.

Millie: I'm sure besides it's not my first timer working on a ranch like this before.

Y/n: Well. If you want to okay. but so you know

Millie then grabbed his collar, catching him by surprise when he noticed the look that Millie was giving him

Millie: I'm helping! you and that's final! plus you did so much for me yesterday, it's not right for me to leave you without any favors.

Y/n: Okay! okay, you can help.

Millie pats him on the head and kisses him on the cheek, then pinches his cheek causing him to blush.

Millie: THeir.

Y/n: So you know I don't have any work clothes.

Millie: aw it's fine, I'll just wear these and then wash them if you have a washing machine and a dryer.

Y/n: That I do.

Millie: good. *climbs on his shoulder* let's get some work done.

Y/n shrugs as he walks out of the house, Leo notices it gets off the couch came with them while Millie is riding his shoulder, Than gets to work on what they need to do today.

Y/n: * Note to self, don't piss off Millie.

In hell in blitzo and Loona's apartment.

The imp and the human ( Human male reader X Millie) +18Where stories live. Discover now