Farm destroyed

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After y/n arrived at hell, he was impressed that it was just like Earth, but with the red in the sky and people killing each other on a day-to-day bases. He was assigned his first job by blitzo as it was just them three like it was when Moxxie was around loona was cuddling with Leo when she got a text saying they were ready to come back she opened the portal to see blitzo walking back and straightened his coat with a grin while y/n came back with millie In his arms.

Blitz: Alright, y/n, not bad for your first time killing shitheads.

Y/n: Well, *looking at Millie rubbing her back* I got the best teacher and girlfriend.

Millie: * blushed* Oh, look what you did. You made me blush.

Y/n puts his hand from the back of her shirt and slides it under, kissing her as she accepts it by sticking her tongue in his mouth.

Blitz: Ugmgh, do you guys get tired of sucking each other's faces.

Y/n: Do you get tired of sucking bird dick.

Blitzo was about to respond while Loona, Leo, and Millie laughed. he didn't have a comeback for that.

Blitz: Oh fuck you.

Y/n: Hey, I'm going to the farm to check everything

Millie: You do that, hon. I'm going to get washed up. Cause since I was almost just a sex toy on that mission.

As she walks away to take a shower.

Y/n: I'm you're my only sex toy

Millie blushes and chuckles. Turns around, putting her hands around his waist and looking up at him

Millie: Oh, you are so asking for it when I get back.

Y/n grins as they are both getting it tonight with each other. Y/n watches her walkway with her ass swaying. He then opens a portal to his home. Once he walks through it, he nods to Leo and Loona, who nods back he walks back to his house to find it destroyed when the portal closes.

Y/n: What Da fuck!

Just then a group of agents surrounded y/n, which made him pissed off that these guys barged into his house and destroyed everything. With an imp that had horns on his head.

Agent 1: so you're the scum that demon hired you.

Y/n: So what, I don't care about that right now, what I want to know is why are you guys in my house with a demon and destroyed what is left of my parents!

Moxxie: Oh oh, though for a weak human, that stole my fucking wife.

Then it hit Y/n this was Millie's ex-husband that fucked her and Loona's friendship with each other he clinched his fist and hated what he did to her before he found her.

Y/n:  oh, so you're Moxxie. so what's with the eye patch, trying to be a Nick fury wannabe?

Moxxie: shut it you filthy human, you took my wife and now I'm getting my payback.

Y/n: Oh. like you didn't cheat on her with a hellhound and claim Loona was better than she did.

Moxxie: shut da fuck up! you know dam well that's not cool.

Y/n: Neither is fucking someone behind your partner's back, and let's just say I do it way better than you ever did.

Moxxie widens his eyes and snaps his fingers.

Moxxie: Agent 1 come let our comrades do the work. we have plans to fry

Agent 1 was crying.

Agents 1: I can't believe a demon is working for us it's a dream come true. not to mention taking orders from one. it's beautiful.

The imp and the human ( Human male reader X Millie) +18Where stories live. Discover now