Highway to Hell

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A/n: New chapter enjoy

The next morning, y/n woke up to feel A sleeping Millie, next to him sleeping peacefully, he smirked and put his hand on her shoulder shaking her to wake up, and she smacked it.

Y/n: Millie, it's time to wake up.

Millie: Five more minutes.

Y/n: But it's time to work

Millie didn't say anything but slept in y/n sighs.

Y/n: Fine, you left me no choice.

Y/n places his fingers on her exposed waist and trails it up and down, causing Millie to open one of her eyes.

Millie: You think rubbing my hip or belly is going to work it's just making me sleep harder.

Y/n got an even better idea he wiggled them into her demon skin back, causing Millie to chuckle a little. He then gets between her legs after rolling her on her back, kissing her face causing her to squirm. then kisses her on her neck causing one of her eyes to open grinning at how much he cares for her. he then notices she still has her shirt on from last night he grins lifts it up, and sticks his head under it Millie laughs but then moans when he started to lick her upper belly making her back arch smiling down at him she then put her hands on his head to enjoy the touch.

Millie: Mmm, Okay, you win I'm getting up. if we can continue this at work.

Millie then lets go of his head, he gets out of her shirt and looks down at her as she smiles back playing with her exposed belly with his hand

Y/n: Heh didn't think that worked, but yeah we can continue this when we get to work

Y/n then got out of bed and it was Millie, Y/n then turned to see she was putting on her pants which told him she just slept with her work clothes last night he got a sneaky idea as she bends over her red ass was in front of them taps her on the left butt cheek causing Millie to jump she turned around to see Y/n acting like he didn't do anything, as he was putting on his pants. Millie smirks since he was the only one in the room with her

Millie: * Okay, Y/n I can play that game to*

Y/n put on his pants in shirt as they were now both fully dressed, Y/n and Millie's stomach growled they both looked at each other with a smile.

Y/n: Maybe we can get breakfast first then go to work.

Millie: you know I was thinking the same thing

Millie then hops onto his shoulders for a ride causing him to laugh, she nuzzles her face to his making him smile as he walks out of the door to see Blitzo on the floor passed out.

Y/n: Uh what's he doing here?

Millie rolled her eyes annoyed he did this when she and Moxxie were together, if she was being honest with herself she didn't enjoy it while they were having sex or couples night hell she didn't like him spying on them while they were at Ozzies. 

Millie: Blitz!

Blitzo gets startled, looking all over the place jumps up gets into a kung fu panda pose.

Blitz: No fuck you! Tai lung you're getting! my Dick up your ASS!

Millie and Y/n were just silent and didn't know what the fuck to say about that as Blitzo notices them in the same room as they were.

The imp and the human ( Human male reader X Millie) +18Where stories live. Discover now