Chapter 43 - (Filler) A Fun Day Off

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Talking: "Fine f*ck you no sympathy"
Thinking: "During my whole life I knew I deserved to be dead."
Action: *action*
Character Narrating: 𝘓𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘫𝘰𝘣 𝘣𝘳𝘰...
Reading/ Writing: "Sometime I think... and then i forgot.

By the way, prepared yourselves, because dear god, my writing feels like your everyday romance movie...

-3rd POV-

As Bakugo and Todoroki were having their license classes, the rest of the 1-A students continued thier regular classes, and work studies were called off for the time being.

Anyway, today was another normal morning at U.A Dorms and as you expected everyone was doing thier own things you expect them to do.
But a certain ponytail girl had noticed the absence of someone.

Momo: "Has someone seen Y/n-san? He did not show up until now." Momo started.
Kirishima: "Now that you mentioned it, I also didn't seen him. What he's been doing?"
Izuku: "I honestly don't know. These past few days he seem more tired, maybe he's training by himself or something."
Tsuyu: "Do you think he's all right? Kero."
Sero: "He's probably all right. I mean, he already lost one of his eyes back then, being tired sounds like a tuesday to him."

The students went back to chatting about thier usual stuff, Momo still felt a weird felling.

Momo: "There must be a reason why he's more tired these days, maybe he's dealing with something." Momo thought to herself. "I know I'm worried about him, but I shouldn't be that worried."

With the sharkboy himself, he was on a deep sleep on his bed.
His sleep was ruined when the alarm went on and the loud noise woke him up.

Y/n: "Really..? Just give me... Just give me five more hours please..."

He turns the alarm off, it was then he remembered something.

Y/n: "Oh yeah... I have school today..."

And with a loud groan he stands up and goes up, when he was fully up he goes to his door to open.
When he opened it, Momo was there.

Y/n: "Huh?"
Momo: "Eep!" She jumps. "Y-Y/n-san! You're awake!"
Y/n: "Yes I am... Why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you back at the common area?"
Momo: "O-Oh yes. But... I kinda wanted to check on you and talk, can I come in? I have bring some tea."
Y/n: "Sure, why not?"

They went inside Y/n's dorm and sat on his bed, Momo gave Y/n a cup of tea while she herself had a cup of her own.

Y/n: "So, what do you want to talk?"
Momo: "Well..." She sighs a bit. "It's about you."
Y/n: "About... me?" Y/n raises an eyebrow.
Momo: "Yes. I noticed that you have been felling more tired after these past few days. Specially after the Hassaikai villan group incident to be exact. What's gotten you all tired?"
Y/n: *looks down for a second* "Well... It's a bit complicated if I'm being honest with myself. All these events had been warning me both physically but more mentally. I know you that there is no rest for heroes and all that but... I wish I could rest a bit, y'know like a day off or something so I can just rest and forgot about the problems of life a bit. It may be selfish of me, but I think it would be a nice change of pace."

Momo: "Hm. I see. I didn't know you felt that, but you shouldn't burn yourself like this, remember we're all here for you, so please don't warn yourself out like this." She took his hand.

Y/n smiled and Momo smiled back at him, their eye to eye for a single moment, until they realized that they were holding their hands, pulling out they moved to the side with an slight blush on thier faces.

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