Chapter 8

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Ya'll are in for a doozy with this one 😅

Remember, just because he cares, does not mean he is a good person/father 🙂

If you see any errors pls lmk 😜


Tw's: Suicide


Akemi couldn't sleep that night, she felt oddly anxious about everything. What if her father was angry at her choosing to go to U.A.? There was no reason for her to feel this way, really, but she couldn't help the pit in her stomach.

Akemi gazed down at the pool her father had installed in their backyard per Katsumi's request back when they were kids. It was still well-maintained and Akemi wondered if her father was the one keeping it clean.

Akemi's eyes burned at the thought of her sister, or maybe it was from the smoke billowing into her face, she didn't know but it had been a long time since she last let herself think about Katsumi, she had preferred to keep herself busy to the point that she couldn't think much of anything unless it was school-related.

She quickly dismissed the thought, she hadn't cried since Katsumi died and she wasn't about to break that streak. Her father was never a fan of tears, he said they made you weak, and that crying in front of someone was the stupidest thing you could do as it would make you vulnerable in front of enemies.

He had come to her room late one night, a few weeks after Katsumi's funeral. He had avoided her for a while, refusing to talk to her. But this night, he was drunk out of his mind and confessed to her, with tears by the way, that he used to blame her for her mother's death. He apologized for everything and said that he used to pray to the gods to let him have a do-over, to make everything right again.

He went back to ignoring her the next day, and wouldn't even acknowledge her.

She wondered if he'd ever treat her as his daughter again.

Akemi dunked her feet into the water of the pool, it was so very cold. She had a brief thought of Katsumi, alone and cold in her grave, dead and rotting. Her legs were next, and then her torso, and soon enough she was fully submerged.

Was this what Katsumi feels like?

Akemi let her tears fall, no one could hear her cry down here. She was a good diver, she could hold her breath for hours on end. Mr. Cowell hated it when she did that, he would scold her until she was so dehydrated from crying that no matter how much water was forced down her throat she would still not have enough fluids in her body to keep her healthy. She'd be on IVs for days, weeks even, before she'd be better again.

She remembered one of the few times she was well enough to walk around, she had gone into the bathroom and flinched when she saw herself in the mirror, sunken eyes, wrinkled skin, the whole shebang. She never was very good at taking care of herself after her mother died. But then again a 7-year-old shouldn't be expected to take care of themself.

Akemi blew all of the air out of her lungs, finding solace in the way it felt to sink to the bottom of the pool. She hated feeling this way. She felt herself hit the concrete and instinctively brought her legs up to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs.

She didn't know how long she had been in there but she could already feel herself losing consciousness and knew she should go back up.

She didn't want to. She felt at peace, and for once her mind was clear of everything.


Chiaki didn't know what it was that woke him up his mind was heavy from sleep and he was pretty sure he had been drooling a tiny bit but he couldn't help the pit in his stomach. Something had happened but he didn't know what, just that it was bad.

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