Chapter 9

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Tw: ooc characters lol

omg guys i hate this sm but its the longest chapter ive written 😭 it feels so rushed and gross and yucky so like beware ig

"Kemi!" Said girl lifted her head from where it was laying on her desk and looked back at the little boy standing at the entrance of her room.

"Hey Kei, you need something?"

"Can you take me to the park?" Akemi looked at the mass of papers sitting in front of her. She was supposed to have already done this and submitted it to the school but she never did get the chance. The papers were filled with little sketches of her hero costume but she couldn't quite figure it out.

She sighed and looked at the time, it was 4pm and they ate dinner at 7 and she still needed to shower and have everything set out for school tomorrow which meant she would be done by at least 9 and she could sleep by 10.

"I suppose I have enough time to take my favorite brother to the park," She teased, pushing herself out of her chair, grimacing at the sound of her bones creaking and cracking.

"Hey, I'm your only brother!"

Akemi laughed, "Go put your shoes on." Kei ran out and Akemi's smiles slowly faded as she looked back at the papers on her desk. She traced the design with her fingers, slowly sliding it over to reveal the one Katsumi had submitted. The one that was currently sitting untouched in her closet.

Akemi rolled her eyes, she really needed to get a life that didn't revolve around her sister. She walked away from her desk and grabbed her phone and made her way to the living room where Kei was waiting patiently at the door.

The air outside was cool against her skin, a stark contrast to her hand, warm, almost sweaty in Kei's. He pulled and tugged on her hands until they were both running, his tiny giggles flowing in the wind.

It was 10 minutes until they reached the park and Akemi could feel her lungs wanting to cave in. She was leaned over at the waist, the palms of her hands resting firmly on her knees while Kei was already running around the park, playing to his heart's content.

She spotted a bench not too far away and made her way over to it, sitting down. Akemi had no idea how Kei had so much energy. There was no one else at this park as it was private property, belonging to the neighborhood so only people living there could use it. There weren't many other kids his age here.

She tried not to think about how much time she was wasting by being at this park, at this rate she would never have her hero costume in. She was religiously checking her phone, every five minutes it seemed, to make sure she wasn't behind on schedule. Time seemed to go even slower just because of that and she had to force herself to power her phone off.

Kei yelled at her to come play with him and she was quickly pulled into a game of tag and it wasn't until they were both sweaty and exhausted that she remembered her phone. She shot up and stumbled over to her phone, her anxiety was through the roof and it only worsened the longer her phone took to come back on.

It was almost 8. She cursed under her breath at not only the time but also the amount of missed calls she had from not only her father but also Himari. She stood up calling her father back, snapping at Kei to get his attention and tell him that it was time to go.

"Akemi? Where have you been? Is Kei with you?" Akemi startled at the worry in his voice, "He asked to go to the park, I lost track of time, I'm sorry."

"Do you need me to pick you up?"

"Uh- no, we're already on our way back," her father mumbled out something that Akemi couldn't hear and hung up the phone quickly.

"Why is daddy so worried?" Akemi looked down at Kei, his mouth open for another question, "Is it because of what happened last week? Mommy didn't wanna talk about it and daddy just said that you had gotten hurt."

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