Chapter 4

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Akemi slept outside that night, in a chair on the porch, too scared to go inside and talk to anyone. Thinking about it now, with the sun rising and birds chirping, she seemed like a coward. She had been gone all day yesterday and never even came inside. She wondered what her father was thinking.

Had she been too dramatic? Now that she was feeling better it felt as if she had gone a bit overboard. It was her sister's choice to go to the school and no matter how much Akemi disliked the idea she couldn't tell her to leave. She didn't have that right. Katsumi was old enough to make her own decisions.

Akemi sat there until the sun was fully up, she wondered if any of the windows were unlocked, she'd rather that than go through the front door. It was a Saturday which meant everyone would be home. Everyone except for her father, of course, he had hero work to do.

Akemi stood up, stretching her limbs out, she'd just have to thug it out and go through the front door. She rested her hand on the doorknob and was about to twist it when it swung open, her father standing right in front of it. He stared at her for a moment before pulling her into a bone-crushing hug that had her still injured arms screaming in pain. She wasn't able to move with how tight he was hugging her.

"Dad! You don't have to hug her that tight." Her sister stood off to the side behind him, her arms crossed over her chest, a concerned look on her face. Her father released her but kept his hands firmly planted on her shoulders, "Never do that again,"

Akemi felt bad but she couldn't help but wonder where this concern and love was while she was gone. She stepped out of reach of his hands and walked past him and her sister, "A letter would have been nice." With that, she went upstairs to her new room.

She went to grab some clothes from her bag but found that they were no longer there. She looked around the room and found the closet door open, filled with her clothes. Akemi sighed, her hands balling into fists when she saw the condition of the clothes. Everything was out of order. She doesn't expect them to know how she likes to put her stuff away but they shouldn't have ever touched her things in the first place because now she has to go through every item and rearrange them.

She grabbed some clothes off of the hangers, trying her best to ignore everything else, and walked over to the bathroom that she thankfully had attached to her room. It was spacy, a big sink with an even bigger mirror in front of it and a shower behind it, the toilet being on the other side of the shower, a wall between the two.

Akemi turned the shower on and got to work taking her clothes off. Once that was done she looked at the mess that was both her hair and the bandages covering her arms. She searched the drawers, there had to be scissors somewhere in there. She pulled the last drawer out and finally found some, her lips curling into a small smile at her victory. Akemi held them up in front of her before looking towards the mirror; she didn't know how short she wanted to go, she just wanted it gone.

She brought the scissors up to a chunk of hair in her face and cut. Her heart was beating out of her chest as if Mr. Cowell would pop up and punish her again. The cuts were choppy and did not at all look as good as they could have if she had got it done professionally. But honestly, she preferred it this way; she did it herself. By the time she was done, her hair was just below her chin and she loved it.

The next thing she had to do was get the bandages off. That was going to be a major pain, she hadn't changed them after she had gotten home and she could already tell they were going to stick. The process was slow and just a tad bit painful but she got through it. The lashes looked gross and felt raw, and Akemi could still see the scars from the previous punishments she had gotten.

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