chapter 13

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guys i lwk forgot how difficult it is to write and proofread things when you cant see lmao. i lost my glasses and have been kinda struggling 😭 so i apologize for any errors u may see

Also it took me for freaking ever to find a good website for the manga so thats another reason why this chap took so long lmao


"Kemi! You gotta get up!" Akemi let herself be pulled off the couch, far too tired to resist, "C'mon, I already got your uniform out!"

Akemi let out a tiny laugh, thanking her brother but immediately cursing him as he practically threw her into her room. His quirk hadn't come in yet but sometimes she wondered if he was just hiding it from everyone, he was far too strong for someone his age.

Akemi turned around, her eyes passing over the freshly ironed uniform sitting on her bed.

"Hurry up Kemi! Dad says you're taking me to school today!" She huffed, her face screwing up, that would add on a whole ten minutes to her walk, which effectively ruins her schedule. Akemi quickly pulls on her uniform and grabs her bag, rushing down the stairs to find her dad.

He was standing in front of the kitchen sink, washing his hands. She lightly cleared her throat, trying to figure out how to bring it up without seeming like she didn't want to take Kei. She didn't, but she couldn't say that in front of him.

"Dad?" He glanced back and Akemi took a small step back, "Can Kei not take the bus?"

Her dad furrowed his brows. "I thought you'd want to take him? You guys have been spending a lot of time together so I just assumed. I can take him if you're not feeling up to it." He continued washing his hands, he must've gotten them really dirty,

Kei ran down the hall, his footsteps echoing throughout the house, the keychains on his backpack clanging loudly. Her father rested his forearms on the edge of the sink, "Kei! Quiet down, Mom isn't feeling too well today."

Kei immediately stopped, standing at the top of the stairs. His mouth formed a small o in realization, "Sorry Mommy, sorry Daddy." He whispered, tucking his chin to his chest.

He turned back to the sink, still scrubbing at his hands, "It's alright Akemi, you can get going to school now, I'll take Kei before I head out for work." Her nails pulled at the loose skin on her fingers.

"Ok, I'll see you later." She made her way to the door, glancing back to the kitchen a few times before she finally pulled her shoes on and left. The walk was the same as it always was, quiet and boring, her feet kicking loose rocks.

Akemi hummed a small tune to rid the ringing in her ears, she wondered what they would be doing today, maybe something normal? She could hope. Her eyes trailed across the ground, counting each step she took, resetting once she made it to 100. It soothed her mind, occupied it, she couldn't think about anything else while doing it, solely focused on the numbers running through her head.

Her hands fiddled with the edge of her shirt, pulling at the seams until they frayed. The gate was only a few steps in front of her but her stomach twisted at the thought of walking in.

"Look! It's Matsuda!" Akemi tensed as an arm found its way around her shoulders, pulling her through the gates and into the school.

Kaminari squeezed her shoulder, "You ran away yesterday! I thought you were finally starting to like me," He sounded serious, and for a moment, Akemi felt bad. She pushed the feeling away and brushed his arm off.

"Who put that silly thought in your head? I was merely going along with what my brother wanted." She walked past him, pulling her shirt sleeves farther down her arms.

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