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In "Volume Two" of "Penthesilea's Wish" we find the former and meek Daniela Collins feeling she has made positive growth with her self-image and confidence. Certain peak experiences have coalesced to give her a new-found outlook, and she realizes she needs to evolve even more independently. She is now emboldened and determined to find autonomy for herself.

Daniela's boyfriend of five years, Nicasio, a PhD candidate in history at UC Berkeley, has been called out of teaching to assist his professor with a mysterious archaeological find. This strange marble tomb, hidden on a California cliff-side for almost five hundred years, has strange Amazonian markings on an empty sarcophagus inside it. Nicasio and Professor Simons have been granted through the California UC System top-secret funding to investigate the anomalous and potentially controversial structure.

They determine, though preliminary excavations, that this parabolic green-marble tomb, having the design of a Greek Mycenaean-style burial chamber, was actually assembled there by a party of Spanish explorers. They determine to establish which of these first voyages to explore the coastline of this new continent may have been involved in such a mysterious 16th century expedition.

Traveling back in time, through the second of the story's parallel plots, we learned that the young Penthesilea, as new queen of the Amazons, is both bold and skilled as a leader. We follow her through critical developments of her young life coming of age in the all-women warrior clan.

We learned in "Volume One" that many centuries later certain phenomenal women became aware of Penthesilea's "wish" for women in the future. They secretly worked harmoniously and fearlessly to carry out her plan. These efforts were taken on by females in positions of power and intelligence-queens, empresses and academics--all who put their priorities upon women in the future, regardless of their kingdoms, institutions or thrones.

What was in the ancient world begun as an "Amazon Society," develops over time in the European Renaissance courts and age of monarchs to the present as the secret "Penthesilea Sisterhood."

Back in California the archaeological tomb site, resting on a Big Sur cliff, is visited one night by a mysterious woman who tells the guard she is from Stanford University. Clearly a rival institution of Berkeley's. Professor Simons is perplexed by who this woman could be, and what her connection to the burial tomb actually is. He determines through further excavation that the tomb was broken into some ten years previously.

He also learns that at that time a group of women from Berkeley, Stanford, Yale, and a few international universities-all studying antiquities, met up in Athens at the American School of Classical Studies to colalaborate their work. That summer, while living and researching in the institution's dormitory facilities, these women shared nformation on the Amazons. It was also revealed to the professor that none of these scholars claimed or published what they had learned to their respective institutions. Some of the women were in fact to leave their posts that summer, never to be seen again.

As Nicasio is directed by these new developments to travel to Greece to see what he can find out, Daniela is allowed to accompany him. She temporarily leaves her job in San Francisco as a graphic artist for her trip to Athens.

In "Volume Two" Daniela arrives with Nicasio in Greece at The American School of Classical Studies, though she is not fully aware of what his duties and objectives are. She and her lover are scheduled by the professor to stay at the Athens facility--the same as the group of women Amazon researchers some ten years before. They have strict orders from Professor Simons not to let on to the institution's authorities what their true purpose is--to investigate this mysterious group of women--what they found out, and why they left their posts following a summer archaeological dig in Turkey.

End of Volume One. 

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 In "Volume Two," the mystery behind the Penthesiliea Sisterhood  only grows . . .

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