Chapter Twenty-two

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At the secluded table Theo took the last drink of his whiskey and leaned toward an intense Daniela. His eyes were no long on her body but unfocused now, and somewhere lost in the darkened section of the room.

"Professor Vasileou and I had become very close over those years, "he said, almost in a whisper. "I was fresh back from Berkeley when I met her at the Blegan and she was . . . just very helpful to me."

Daniela stared down at the table as he spoke. Realizing some painful or revealing confession was hanging in the air.

"She lectured several times a year with us at the AmericanSchool and had spent a lot of her time researching in the library. I was of assistance to her when she needed it. But beyond that . . . we shared something else. OK . . . not what you might think . . . as you've gotten to know me by now . . ." He smiled vacantly. "But something I've not told anyone all these years."

She held her breath in anticipation of what Theo might reveal.

"While we worked together sometimes alone, she had always spoken warmly of her summer home. Here in Greece. All Greeks have a house on an island or in a mountain village somewhere, inherited from their families. It's usually where they escape during the holidays."

"OK . . . ?"

"Hers was a village on the island of Andros, one of the CycladicIslands, about two hours by ferry from the eastern side of Attica."

"And you believe. . . she is there, now Theo?"

"I won't say so with complete certainty. But yes, that's where I knew she went to live in retirement and . . . yes . . . in seclusion. There were rumors among the classical studies community that she was still living in Greece, though no one was ever able to confirm that. Some believed she was hiding somewhere abroad. Possibly still involved in some sort of secret research. But still . . . nothing she did after her departure has ever been published. There are only fewer and fewer inquiries about her anymore."

"So what do you believe, Theo?"

"Many of the community simply accepted that she's gone forever. Perhaps to the States. But it's always been my belief that if she's remained in this country, she would be at her remote family house there on the island of Andros . . . where she stayed as a child and young girl during her summers."

He looked up at Daniela suddenly, as if waking from a dream.

"It's been well over ten or eleven years now . . . since the two of us discussed that."

"But why, Theo? Why did she leave a perfectly sound position here? She had become an expert in her field. She had so much to share with the world."

"She never told anyone why, Daniela. And we officially never talked again . . . not after she pulled up all roots that sad summer. I just respected her decision to go. For her to find her space . . . her peace. It was such a pity though, really. She knew so much about mythology and its connection to history. She was a lovely person as well. A character easy to admire . . . or become infatuated with."

"Theo . . . you said officially you never spoke again. So are you fairly certain she's well? And living on that island today?"

He was looking down onto the empty plate, now remaining silent. She could see his eyes were moist, on the verge of tears.


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