Chapter Thirty-eight

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Back in Professor Vasiliou's home on Andros, the wind that night could be heard blowing as gusts in the trees. After Daniela had finished reading the entire "Illumination I," the corresponding website to the email she had received, she sat motionless on the divan. Outside she could hear the air whipping up as a hypnotic sound. Inside the house, with the professor presumably retired for the evening, the atmosphere was still and except for a number of candles left around the room, it was dimly lit.

Daniela felt something had happened to her this night. Something which no matter how she responded to the invitation to become involved in the society, simply the knowledge of its existence would become permanently a part of her. She truly now felt some calling beyond curiosity-some obligation to join these women's efforts. Perhaps it was always in her nature to find this side of herself. To seek out where to put that dimension of her character-the one which had become such a quest to explore lately. Now it seemed, she might be on the verge of doing just that.

Closing the original email and looking at the column of other messages, Daniela could see there remained two unopened letters in the inbox. Looking at her watch, she could see it was a few minutes after midnight. Assuming the long silence meant the professor was either asleep or deeply involved in her work, she curiously opened the second email. It was shorter and sent from another 'sister' in the society.

"Marpesia_2394," read the name in the sender box of the message:

Dear Anaea_4356:

I have been called on to assist in your education about our work. I am living and working in England. I am twenty-seven years of age. I am married, with one child, aged three. For the past four years I have been involved with the sisterhood you are now learning about. I can only tell you that the work has given my life so much meaning. Seeing the programs we are involved with and how they have made a difference for women in my own community and those in even needier situations abroad gives me great joy.

You are so fortunate to be called upon, for it is an opportunity and honor you will always treasure. Like all of us who are active in PS, we work silently and in total secrecy, but feel such a great comfort in our knowledge that we are many. We are also always there to assist each other through guidance, strength, wisdom and even monetary support when needed. I am neither a lesbian nor bisexual. I love my husband and child to the greatest end of the world. But as love is limitless, I can also say I share great affection for my sisters all over the earth. I take great pride in standing by them. Helping them who need it. We all work on giving strength and independence to our sisters. And that sometimes is a gift they might never had known otherwise.

You will find that we are a very different collection of women in the Penthesilea Sisterhood. All of us have special talents and gifts to contribute. I can say first hand that we share a wonderful sense of closeness when working. And that closeness is growing daily. So has our commitment to change our lot as women. And especially the conditions of our sisters when trouble faces them. I will be guiding you to your next "Illumination" and hope you will read it with an interest to continue your learning about us.

Please log on with your new username and password to access the next informative webpage. I hope to someday stand with you as a warrior in our overall battle against exploitation, intimidation and the physical and emotional abuses our sex still has to face in many places. We can make a difference in our own lifetime if we join up to these efforts fully. For your heart and mind, I encourage you to enter our circle of sisters.


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